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Can we have stock M17X benchmark scores posted w/ OC'ed scores?

Guest Infernia

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Guest Infernia

Well the title says most everything. Just asked this question a million times in the 'other' forum and Batboy silenced me eventually.

Thought it would be useful to see how they perform out of the box as opposed to OC'ed and tweaked and modded.

Gives people a good idea of what their machine is doing 'out of the box' as compared to others and all you have to do is keep record of those scores before you do all the real work.

I saw it mentioned in the M17X R3 Benchmarking thread and it reminded me.


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I haven't started any official record keeping of the scores yet but if you want to submit non-OC'd scores that's fine by us. I want to eventually implement a system where you can submit your scores and its automatically parsed. We're still looking into a solution for that.

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Guest Infernia

Thx Brian - Just figured it certainly couldn't hurt to put in the stock scores and it makes all the OC'ing/modding/etc look amazing when compared with the same setup stock.

DaneGR - yep I tried for the sake of all the noobs and those not interested in OC'ing to have 'something' 'anything' to compare their out of the box scores to and I thought it would be simple to put in the sticky "please post your stock scores first, before you mod or overclock your laptop then list your best scores afterwards" but it was not met with much aplomb. :P

Good to see you again. I see you couldn't stay away from the M17X :)

Finally can someone please tell me, the suspense is killing, Does Brian K. = Joker5150?

Brian K. - Thx for entertaining the idea.

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Thx Brian - Just figured it certainly couldn't hurt to put in the stock scores and it makes all the OC'ing/modding/etc look amazing when compared with the same setup stock.

DaneGR - yep I tried for the sake of all the noobs and those not interested in OC'ing to have 'something' 'anything' to compare their out of the box scores to and I thought it would be simple to put in the sticky "please post your stock scores first, before you mod or overclock your laptop then list your best scores afterwards" but it was not met with much aplomb. :P

Good to see you again. I see you couldn't stay away from the M17X :)

Finally can someone please tell me, the suspense is killing, Does Brian K. = Joker5150?

Brian K. - Thx for entertaining the idea.

yes he is the same person, I can confirm it :)

I plead the 5th.

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Thx Brian - Just figured it certainly couldn't hurt to put in the stock scores and it makes all the OC'ing/modding/etc look amazing when compared with the same setup stock.

DaneGR - yep I tried for the sake of all the noobs and those not interested in OC'ing to have 'something' 'anything' to compare their out of the box scores to and I thought it would be simple to put in the sticky "please post your stock scores first, before you mod or overclock your laptop then list your best scores afterwards" but it was not met with much aplomb. :P

Good to see you again. I see you couldn't stay away from the M17X :)

Finally can someone please tell me, the suspense is killing, Does Brian K. = Joker5150?

Brian K. - Thx for entertaining the idea.

Good to see you too Infernia, I see this machine is actually working for you ;) Nope couldn't stay away now that there's one I can actually travel with. And yes it's the one and only Joker :P

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You have the right to remain silent, any bench posted can and will be compared to others in the "All Powerful" Tech inferno forum. You will be given a fair trial with a jury of your Tech Inferno peers.

Seriously though, posting stock benches to compare to is a great idea.

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Guest Infernia
yes he is the same person, I can confirm it :)

Ah - ha! I knew it. Nice work Joker...er ... I mean Brian K.

Good to see you too Infernia, I see this machine is actually working for you ;) Nope couldn't stay away now that there's one I can actually travel with. And yes it's the one and only Joker :P

Yep the M17X R2 has proven stable thus far. I am having a very sporadic issue that I'm in the midst of tracking down but have almost got it figured out. Random USB disconnects esp frequent with USB mice. Other than that it is giving me nothing but power. Glad the R3 is the right size for you. I remember you reluctantly letting go of that R2 for the sake of travel. I knew you couldn't stay away. :P

I plead the 5th.

:) If you say so, but I believe you've already been ratted out. :P

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Infernia here you go, Vantage scores:

ATI drivers 11.4 beta, CPU @ 3.579 GHz for all 3 runs so it won't affect the GPU scores

Single 5870 stock clocks: 9909


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CFX 5870 stock clocks: 17106


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CFX 5870 @ 950/1220: 20437 (First Alienware M17x -R2 to hit 20K+ on vantage only here on Tech|Inferno)


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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for bringing up old thread.

StamatisX ,I noticed that you OCed your CPU, is it going to change the result for the GPU(stock clocks) score as well?

Sorry, just wondering.:)

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It probably can affect the score of stock clock when cpu is overclocked, but he kept the cpu same speed for all three tests to show what the stock single and crossfire 5870M performance is and how a gpu overclock on the crossfire effects the score.

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It probably can affect the score of stock clock when cpu is overclocked, but he kept the cpu same speed for all three tests to show what the stock single and crossfire 5870M performance is and how a gpu overclock on the crossfire effects the score.

Oh thanks for clarifying.:)

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Sorry for bringing up old thread.

StamatisX ,I noticed that you OCed your CPU, is it going to change the result for the GPU(stock clocks) score as well?

Sorry, just wondering.:)

Also for the M18x and M17x -R3 review we are going to run benchmarks and compare them with the R2 at stock clocks (everything stock) as well and I will update this thread

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Also for the M18x and M17x -R3 review we are going to run benchmarks and compare them with the R2 at stock clocks (everything stock) as well and I will update this thread

Wow great!

Looking forward for the comparisons, this is going to clear my doubt on which model is better.:)

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I'd guess the CPU does matter quite a bit, even for vantage. These are mine with Intel Core i7 620M:

- stock single 5870m (7314 GPU); http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/6334/imageoj.png

- stock crossfire 5870m (13001 GPU): http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/306/imagegy.png

This is old VBIOS and old drivers (you can see the date on the pic, pretty much when I bought the computer).

Also, my RAM is a little slower then his. I bought 1066 MHz RAM by accident when I was configuring the laptop and I still have it. :) I don't know how much would 1333 MHz RAM made a difference?

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It fixed some compatibility issues with the drivers (now you can install drivers from ATI instead of Dell only) and it fixed some issues like when you tried to enter sleep mode on Windows and you couldn't (could be more but I don't remember at the moment)

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For me, it fixed the very annoying flickering caused by crossfire setup in games.

Great, so now you no longer experience any flickering or microstuttering at all when playing any games?

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Yep, all gone. I am also using AMD drivers, and not Dell ones. The reason is - I use custom color calibration in the driver settings and had flickering due to that , with Dell drivers.

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