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Exceedingly slow Win8.1 bootup time

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Is there a reason why an i5, 8GB ram laptop would take 10-20 minutes to boot up? The HDD passed DTS, no SMART errors, and the windows error checking found nothing, RAM has no issues, tested in a separate laptop. The system was restored from a Recovery partition (i.e. the OS partition was overwritten), same results, takes forever to boot up, granted the HDD is a 5400 rpm with barely any cache, but still it should not take that long, it booted just fine in the past... Bios? Some weird corrupt Recovery partition?

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Click "windows button" then write in "msconfig" and press enter. In second tab there should be something like "advance options" and when u click it there's option in polish called "liczba procesorów" (sry not english user) in english probably something like "core number" set it to maximum possible and it should help a bit. If not I strongly suggest looking for SSD.

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Number of Processors? I totally forgot about that option. I was tinkering with it for a little while (it's my friends laptop), and after re-installing a clean system (downloaded an install usb from Microsoft/not the OEM restore) it seems to start a lot faster, still not as fast as I'd like, but its down to about 45 sec - 1 min from a previous infinity of 20min... I'm going to see if I can shave that down a bit more...

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I don't know if this is what's happening to you, but with my new laptop, after I reformatted it, the boot up was much slower until I went through several rounds of windows updates and restarts. Now it's just a little slow after logging in. Might be Windows 8.1. I think my windows 8 PC with an older processor and less RAM is quicker.

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