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OFFICIAL: M17x-R3 Benchmarking Thread

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hehe, well, what's at night for you is day for me ;-) i'm working in the IT so i do some work and besides do my own stuff i.e. fix the m17x haha before i would just stay up all night doing this, but now with an upcoming wife (saying i'm getting married) i don't think she would be too pleased about me spending all night the whole night just geeking off hahaha ^^

thx so much for your advice! the last 5 memory stress tests i did with xtu were all passed. so now i created the bootable memtest86 cd and it's firing. it just started right away when it booted. i will let it run for an hour, then pack up my stuff, go home and then do the tests as you suggested, 8GB per time. i will probably just let it run over night afterwards then.

strange thing about my hyperx is, the unique number on the 4 is the same. i looked at them when i was taking them out, because i was trying to do exactly what you stated a moment ago: match the pairs. but i couldn't figure out at all which belongs to which. same unique number. and then there is a long-@ss number besides which is completely different on all four (not even a hint on same structure or whatsoever).

we'll see what round 3 will show :D

Congratulations! my friend

Ill post a pic of my ram modules and the numbers and point which numbers i pay attention too :)

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i know. since i restarted it runs normal. since 1:35. thats one set of 8gb, i didnt switch them since i got home.

okay so your still working on the first set no failures since you got the test started again...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peeps on Techinferno anything we arent thinking of here or is best method memtestx86?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im not sure how long till ram is sure to be fully functional on this test...

gonna get those pics now

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yeah, still the first set. running since 3 hours 13 now. in around 30 minutee i will change the ram set and test the other two. actually i will wait for your pics bud =)


these are both sides.....


this is the set of dimms under my keyboard if using the 2 for just 8gb dont fill dimm C and D


notice here is the key do you see 825, and826 printed on the edge of those two chips... there is the number you go by my other chips were two with 301 and 302 on it.... :) hopefully you have 1 pair with two numbers in succession and again another pair with those two numbers different but in succesion of the other... they indicate that they were pairs.... only thing i found that works :)


this is what bios should look like for you including the dimms postion....


although its covered these dimms are under bottom cover and are the A,B dimm use these for only 8gb of ram


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thx for all the pics! strange stuff, the numbers i got are 123, 724, 212, 921. but they came as pair of twos (of course not remembering anymore which ones..).

i put in the other 8gigs now. the first two did 5 rows of tests, over 3 and a half hours without errors.

i somehow think that i won't be different with the other 8gigs =/


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?zyyebp

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second set of 8gb: so after around 3 minutes into the test, the laptop just restarted. since that nothing happened, 14 minutes into the test now, and about to pass the first round...

28 minutes into the test..

Edited by deadbydawn
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second set of 8gb: so after around 3 minutes into the test, the laptop just restarted. since that nothing happened, 14 minutes into the test now, and about to pass the first round...

okay strange that it just restarted on its own... Perhaps that was sign of failure... Let me know if you get past the 3 hours no errors... Strange for sure i hope something is revealed at this point your sure they are loading at 1600mhz... frustrating lol i know your using them right... all 4 should work no probs for 16gb 1600mhz... :( no prob on pics just dont understand whats holding you up. Only thing i can think is use 700 and 900 number chips as pair and the 100 and 200 numbered chips as second pair... Where did you get these? Were they second hand or two brand new packs? Its strange those numbers are like that in two pair i have both pair matched and were 1 away from eachother ie 825 and 826

Its boggling both our minds lol goodluck deadbydawn i hope we find something out

If both pass.... Test using a game modern what is your most modern title? Test with 16gb if no errors maybe take the half life error as a fluke?

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yeah i will! so far 44 minutes passsed..

i got them at a pc hardware shop around here, it's a well known one here and the packages were both brand new. yeah i will match them like that.

hmm, bond crashed also, not only hl. well i didnt game a lot of newer stuff on pc lately...i will probably have to download some demo with steam or so. the newestgame i got is probably duke nukem forever (on pc, so don't blame me ;))

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Hmmmm its no prob i dont blame ya bro lol. You can download BF3 or Mass Effect 3 Demo... but my guess is Duke Nukem should be fine... Strange man what a mystery for now assume they are working correct... they have right volts, other m17x r3 users have used those ram no doubt... Its all set right and loading 1600mhz in windows cant for the life of me figure why they are crashing on bond and half life... Do you have stock ram that came with system? You can load that play bond and half life and see if they crash or stay stable but seems if thats the case that it still wouldnt mean the 1600mhz isnt working... :( not even my setup lol and i feel your pain bro... I had a motherboard with bad dimm slot 4... dont think thats it... mine wouldnt boot when i had a stick in that dimm and gave 4 beeps.... So you could glance at pins on dimm slots but doubt they are damaged as your booting just fine... What a mystery man

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so after like 4 hours this happened:c2e69f69-c1b5-561e.jpg


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?bikpqf

Added after 2 minutes:

will change the set of ram back to the first two and have them do another 4 hours to see what happens. will catch some sleep in the mean time


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?kalu4h

Edited by deadbydawn
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Has anyone here at Tech Inferno seen this type of strange behavior of memtestx86 as Deadbydawn's pics show? Anyone who has used memtest at all here please give us your 2 cents.

Deadbydawn hope you get some rest as you mentioned... I am unsure at this point what to suggest if those behaviors dont also indicate bad ram im starting to question the program altogether....

Please we need an extra brain in here to help please... Someone must have ran into such a situation. See you in the morning Deadbydawn. Starting to feel bad and beggining to think ive sent you on wild goose chase... As we are coming up with nothing clear cut about those memory sticks...

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hey bro yeah it's starting to suck big time! i ordered some new hyperx 1600, same as i have. i seriously have no clue at all whats going on. should i set the settings of the ram to default in bios, no xmp2etc and check if the problem still occurs? hmm, argh

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i set them to default, first test passed already....will let it run for a few hours, then put in the other 8gb to test all 16gb... if that works for a few hours i have no clue if i should cancel the ram order. then i will probably just have to stick with the knowledge of running at 699mhz, as i can't explain whats going on at all =( damn what a night


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?xha1zq

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