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Asus G750JZ-T4027D new owner seeking advice

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Hello, I have recently bought this laptop and there are a few things that boggle me.

First off, my temperatures seem to be a little high, compared to reviews and what others posted.

After 2 hours of stress-testing with Prime95 (In-place Large FTTs) + Furmark (windowed, because fullscreen mode seems bugged and doesn't heat the GPU too much), my maximum temperatures reached 88 degrees C for CPU and 93 degrees for GPU. In gaming max temperatures reach 77-78 on CPU and 86-87 on GPU. The fans are on Auto (Not MAX) and the room temperature is around 25-27 degrees C with no air conditioning.

I reported the problem to the reseller, sent the laptop in service where they claimed they changed the cooling system, but the temperatures are the same with the exception that in furmark, the GPU reaches 93degrees but does not throttle anymore.

I am aware of the fact that prime+fur are extreme conditions that don't reflect daily use temperature, even so, the temperatures reached during gaming seem way high.


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  • Bios Modder

Your temps for your laptop configuration is the best!

And never use Furmark, if you dont like brick your graphic card. Furmark is a killer for mobile graphic cards!

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Your temps for your laptop configuration is the best!

And never use Furmark, if you dont like brick your graphic card. Furmark is a killer for mobile graphic cards!

Are you sure?

Because in the notebookcheck review they got 72 degrees C for CPU and 77 degrees for GPU - Review Asus G750JZ-T4023H Notebook - NotebookCheck.net Reviews

Also, the user VSS posted here a mini review where he had 67 degrees on CPU and 76 degrees on GPU.

I am thinking to replace the stock TIM with Arctic MX4, but I am not sure if temps will be better since when they replaced the cooling system, they probably applied the TIM correctly.

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  • Bios Modder

Of course i am sure. You have very nice temps for your laptop configuration. And of course if you can correctly replace termo paste on CPU and GPU, you get better temps.

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Ok, so I did a repaste with Arctic MX4 but the results disappoint me. The GPU temps are more or less the same, but let's say 1-2 degrees lower. But the CPU temps have risen by 4-5 degrees. Maybe my TIM application method was not the greatest. I used spread method so maybe some air bubbles formed. I will redo the operation sometime this week, as spare time allows me.

I am wondering what TIM I should use. Since my laptop still has warranty and I do not plan to lose it, Liquid Ultra and IC Diamond are a no-no. I am wondering if I should order Gelid CG-Extreme or just do another repaste with MX4.

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So today I managed to repaste my laptop...again. Funny that the TIM on the GPU was abit dry, just after 10 days. The CPU seemed fine. I took some pictures if people are interested about the insides of the JZ. Sorry about the picture quality...crappy phone :D

What I noticed tho that only the GPU radiator seems to be copper, the CPU one is aluminum. Now, I am not sure what to think since my laptop was in service where they claimed to have changed the cooling system (dunno if CPU/GPU or both).

After some testing I will post the initial temperature results and after 10 days I will test again to see the TIM degradation.





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Ok, so far the CPU temps seem to be excelent in the 70 degrees Celsius range, but the GPU is still at the 85 degrees Celsius range.

I would like to try another repaste in the near future, GPU only this time, but the problem is that I probably need to replace the thermal pads, and well, I got no clue where to buy new ones that look the same (laptop is still in warranty). One odd thing that I noticed was that in both times I repasted, the TIM on the GPU was a little dry and with the heatsink mounted, the GPU pcb module was a bit curved...

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Ok temps went up dramatically. Basically now the CPU reaches 83-84 degrees but oddly enough the GPU temps remain the same. In conclusion, the MX4 is crap...atleast for laptops (because on my desktop I used it both for CPU and GPU and didn't have problems).

I dunno what to use. Liquid Ultra and IC Diamond are a no-no, because of warranty issues. IC Diamond scratches the dies and Liquid Ultra might corrode or atleast leave marks on the heatsinks. I am considering the Gelid GC-Extreme but really, other suggestions are welcome.

The GPU is another story and I suspect that it has something to do with the pressure of the cooling system being to high and actually curving the PCB of the video card. Also, worthed to mention is the fact that the TIM on the GPU was kinda dry, while the one on CPU was perfect, both in consistency and the TIM mark.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I repasted with ICD7 a week ago and things seem to look good...sort of.

Ran 3dmark today and temps look decent. 70-73 degrees for CPU and 84 degrees for GPU. I hope I will be able to do a real world test this weekend aka. a BF4 multiplayer marathon tongue2.gif

I am pleased with the CPU temps, especially because they can be improved by undervolting, but also the fact that they are on the same level as CPU temps in G750JZ reviews.

The GPU temps worry me abit since they are considerably higher. They are considered normal by my reseller so there is nothing I can do. Liquid Ultra is out of the question since risk/reward benefit is small for non-overclockers. Sadly, undervolting the GPU is not an option since there is no custom VBIOS for the 880M 4GB version.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I just got mine G750JZ for 2 weeks and enjoying every second of it.

I would like to ask the OP what type of Samsung memory chips are on the gpu? If they are HC 03/04 rated =6000/5000MHz

Would be nice if it is HC03 for a maximum reliable 6000MHz

You can see it on the memory chips at the end product number. HC03 or HC04

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