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y510p 750m vbios bricked?


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a day ago, I read on a post in the Lenovo forum to update the bios on the 750m to support SLI for windows 8.1 and drivers beyond 335.xx or so. Doing that, I turned off the computer, pulled out my SLI bay and turned it on. then all hell broke loose when I tried to perform a clean install of 355 game ready drivers. as soon as I turned on the computer, it said there wasn't a nvidia video card installed by there was in fact one soldered onboard. device manager shows nothing even after a restart and all I'm left with is the crappy igpu intel 4600hd. any help please? can't RMA cus I picked it up from America and took it apart as well removing the sticker. yes, pretty stupid.

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i have the lenovo y500p with gt 750m sli as well.but i dint upgrade to 8.1 yet(quite worried actually) and only flash vbios for windows 8.Also aren't u suppose to leave sli bay inside the system when flashing the bios?

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  • 2 months later...

not sure if you'll read this, but this is probably a driver problem, unless you installed the new vbios and then pulled the ultrabay card out simultaneously or something weird. i updated the vbios with no issues, though the first time i restarted my y510p after removing the ultrabay video card it did all sorts of weird stuff but eventually if you re-install the nvidia driver it will get itself together. also in my experience a lot of times optimus will hide your dedicated card in some ways and make it harder to see that it's there.

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  • 1 month later...

I think the reason is the new vbios wasn't flashed on ultrabay GPU because you pull it out. So maybe try reflashing your vbios with ultrabay GPU in.

My y510p run on windows 8.1 with gt750m SLI without problem here.

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  • 2 months later...

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