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7970m + mantle


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for may be the latest driver is not only accelerate the Mantle, but Bost for DX9;)

just DX9 tests on the newest driver, the difference is very big, I do not know what AMD has changed in 14.1, but in comparison with what I had this driver is the sensational acceleration

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No go for "Clevo Enduro Owners"...which are luckily only two boards P1xxEM/SM all others don't have Enduro.

Well yeah P370EM/SM and P570WM users can use mantle if they disable a card:

  • Intermittent stuttering or stability issues may occur when utilizing Mantle with AMD CrossFire™ technology in BattleField 4™ - AMD recommends using the DirectX code path when playing Battlefield 4 with multiple GPUs. A future AMD Catalyst release will resolve these issues

So basically this leaves only P1x0HM users who upgraded to a 7970m.

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from my observations of the 14.1 driver works very well in dx, some games are working better even dx9, in BF4 not noticed speed increases on ULTRA that are observed on desktop hardware, the test point 1 fps more but the minimum fps is better, I have the impression with AMD will control card performance using VBIOS / driver code,

desktop 7870XT with Mantle 10 FPS more and 8970M 1 FPS more

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In BF4 Mantle API is not enabled at my p170HM with 7970M - there is no API Selection in the Menu, but it should be there if Mantle is usable and the Card is recognized correctly. I've downloaded the 14.1 Beta 1.6 Mobility Version.

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Ok - lol i will try them :)

OMFG MEGA - Kims face bigger then a 65" plasma screen on the landing page.. argh ;)


hm, got a chinese / taiwan language file? Is this OK? :D Installed the driver but i did not deactivate the driver signature enforcement - got a promp and i said "yes.. trust them and install" ;)

Update II:

With this method there is also no mantle api to select ingame.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I reinstalled the official 14.1 beta after i got a nice blue prompt with the "patched 14.1 beta" which is posted a page back. So i will wait if there will be a official Mobility Driver, not a desktop one with a mod.. BF4 is running with High Settings and DX with a little OC with constant 60 fps - thats OK so far..

Thx for the support anyway :D

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I'm sorry the mantle does not work on your system,

60FPS on high after OC? As I tweak very carefully I have ~ 60 fps on ultra on DX11, light oc on Schanghai high I almost ~ 70fps DX11,

@ Mantle Ultra 1 fps more

@ mantle High + 6 fps more

how can I find the time it will do the test with the CPU @ 3Ghz, will definitely bigger difference as to 4GHz

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The mobility beta has no mantle at all, but the 'Modded for mobile' desktop version, posted a page back, does. ;)

I tested this driver, there are problems with Audio , after uploading maps,on the first map is good, but on the next Maps is already a problem,

maybe my system is broken, :77:

BSOD BCCode: 1000007e


BCP2: FFFFF8800F30A83B

BCP3: FFFFF88006DC1228

BCP4: FFFFF88006DC0A80

OS Version: 6_1_7601

Service Pack: 1_0


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No go for "Clevo Enduro Owners"...which are luckily only two boards P1xxEM/SM all others don't have Enduro.

Does anyone know whether ATI has any plans to support Enduro in the future with those Mantle drivers? Or should I just stop lighting candles every night?

I'm of course the proud owner of a P170EM :(

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