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DIY Laptop

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I am very aware of the healthy skepticism of most if not all of you. I therefore kindly ask of you not to spew out the fact that its impossible to build a laptop at me but instead attempt to help me to make this somewhat possible for the next person interested in the idea.


I already have:

  • somewhere to buy a screen: https://www.laptopscreen.com/English/
  • somewhere to buy a motherboard, CPU, GPU, RAM, storage and other things although I would be very interested should you recommend other places where I can get these


I will build the cooling system myself


I need:

  • somewhere to buy a laptop shell (I am aware of how difficult it is to find one and am therefore very flexible on all other components)
  • somewhere to buy a power supply


Thank you very much for helping me and pushing the possibility of building a custom laptop ever so slightly more realistic



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Try to search about Clevo laptop barebones. Probably you find what you want there. If this is not what you thinking about then other option would be a lot complicated and a lot of time and money consuming. Probably it is possible to create laptop  case using 3 d printers or other technologies . But you need to have design sketches to give people to print what you want. Firs of all you need to have clearer vision what exact parts you thinking to use. What motherboard what screen and so on.

Edited by Just_a_man
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