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Got a GTX 1060 MXM for my MSI GTC-ONC need help?


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ok so I  ordered a  Clevo GTX 1060 from Eurocom and they sent me a 1060 with gsync. my problem is in my particular laptop I am unable to disable the intel card and must rely on NVidia optimus to do the switching.  I have been struggling to get this to function for a few weeks. I have concluded that Optimus is just not functioning because it is a card with Gsync. I figured why not Ill just send it back and get a the non gsync variant and be done with it.  Unfortunatly they do not stock have the Non Gsync for sale at all.  Is it possible to disable gsync at the bios level like flashing a non gsync card bios onto  the card? My only other option would be to see if anyone else has a 1C20 Clevo Gtx 1060 and would be willing to trade it for a 1C60 Clevo Gtx 1060 with Gsync. 


Thank you


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What line of driver are you modifying?

I think you not edited it in right way and I'm pretty sure that Optimus will work beside gsync or not (because on my m18x-r2 was booting only in optimus mode because of lack of EDP screen).

You can always give a try with nvflash, flashing a non G-sync Bios version.

1060GTX  id:1C20  is non gsync
id:1C60 is gsync

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If it is a Card in normal MXM Format it is a MSI Card not Clevo Card.


And a 1C60 is also a Non G-Sync Card,i testet it in my GT72S with G-Sync.

I testetd a GTX 1060 Yesterday in my GT70 (MS1762),here are the Benchmarks:



You only need to install Windows in Legacy Mode and change the nv-dispi.Inf.

Needs 2 Minutes.


GTX1060 MXM 3.0 Typ B.jpg

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1C60 GTX1060 is a G-sync MXM card however as the ID's don't match the Nvidia Gsync cookie it won't enable G-sync. That's why G-Sync didn't show on your system after the upgrade.



You can't flash G-sync vbios to a non G-Sync card or visa versa as nvflash will stop it before you can even start flashing with an exception caught error.


A G-sync version will still work correctly in a non G-Sync system so need to panic about that.


Driver modding simply look for in the nvmii.inf file the lines with 1C20 or even 1C60 then copy and paste it then alter the last digit set for example


10DE.1C60.1462.11AF you swap to 10DE.1C60.1462.11FF. I do have a modded driver set already that works well based on Windows 10 x64 already zipped up so its a simple extract and run the setup.exe after turning driver enforcement off.

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