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Found 16 results

  1. Hi Forum, I would like to request modding that will not brick my device ofc to get UEFI GUI interface just like newer UEFI BIOS on modern motherboards as much as possible and to get hidden features unlocked on my latest version of BIOS Update I've done and here's my dump of the current BIOS I have I've got from CPU-Z tool. By the way, my device model is Lenovo G580 2189 Serial No. CB16549069 Informations that I think will be enough for the start: bios.txt: https://pastebin.com/SQ9za9g0 vbios.txt: https://pastebin.com/k6RgjMJC motherboard.txt: https://pastebin.com/PS33qz4s
  2. hi, could someone help me showing the advanced option in the bios of the dell inspiron 3501? because i need to change the ram speed which are actually bios locked and increasing the power limit. thanks in advance.
  3. I was wondering is there a way to boot into UEFI or EFI with stock bios, and or does the modded Bios allow for Windows 10 to install under UEFI /EFI conditions? I've installed W10 a few times, and don't seem to be able to get the R1 board to boot via USB, so I'm hoping for a way to install via BD with drivers on a USB thumb-drive for raid and such... I figure this is the best way to do this, but how does UEFI play into the mix? Are there any ways to get UEFI going without it hindering the performance of the computer? Thanks~
  4. I need to be able to access the chipset, south bridge, and other advanced settings in my bios. The stock bios locks out almost everything other than boot order. I think the BIOS is Aptio V and I've got this dump with fptw64: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4ozRmHOIQm-RFRYV2hlTjl6eHM/view?usp=sharing Never needed to do this just to access some settings before so don't really know what I'm doing.
  5. . So... Dell/Alienware managed to confuse a lot of users with their latest BIOS updates from last week. Version A08 of the M14x R2 as well as the M17x R4 and also A07 of the M18x R2 made a quick appearance on the Dell support site, only to vanish again shortly after - apparently to be replaced with A09 respectively A08. To make the confusion perfect, Dellienware once more decided not to publish any change log, not even a tiny bit of useful information. (I already bothered some Dell reps with this, but no success so far... they're always telling that my emails will be forwarded to the proper people...). Anyway, even though severe, I don't want to discuss the change log problem at this place. So what's up with those new BIOS? It's hard to miss that some numbers are missing between the last bios update and the current releases. Anyone who's slightly familiar with software updates and naming will realize that this is already and indication that quite some changes have been made - obvious, right? Huge parts of the firmware got revised and new modules were added as well. To keep it short, the bios (or UEFI to be more precise) is now officially Windows 8 ready. You may have already read that Microsoft requires the OEMs to have certain functions in the UEFI available (namely Secure Boot) in order get the systems 'Windows 8 certified'. Just to quickly clarify something, you don't need a 'Windows 8 certified' machine in order to run Windows 8, neither do you require Secure Boot, but the OEMs are pretty keen on this certificate as customers seem to prefer systems with certain stickers on them. What's this Secure Boot stuff? And how does this affect me? Secure boot is a protocol, a part of the UEFI, designed to ensure that a system gets booted in a so-called trusted state. This means a state that is known to be secure, that the firmware code has not been tampered with and is a direct copy which comes from a trusted source (e.g. the manufacturer of the used UEFI variation). Secure boot handles this with a system of different functions and interfaces as well as a key system. It makes sure that all external images have to pass a predefined authentication before they get executed. It is designed to prevent attacks which target the firmware to OS handoff. What secure boot won't do is protecting the firmware from direct attacks, e.g. manipulated bios updates and similar ... and this is where we come to secure firmware updating. Some of you may have noticed or read that coming from an 'old' bios version it is no longer possible aynmore to (easily) downgrade to an earlier version once you have flashed A08/A07 or later. This is because Dellienware decided to implement a way to verify firmware updates, in the case of the Insyde UEFI it is 'secure flash'. The UEFI image, the drivers which are required at boot etc. are all digitally signed. Now if you want to update your BIOS, this is what happens (simplified): - Flash utility checks the firmware image for integrity. - If ok, the image gets sent to the system - System reboots, starts the pre-uefi environment and starts the authentication process on the file which is to be flashed - If this check passes, and only then, the software environment for the flash gets launched, firmware gets updated. I have to admit that secure boot without implementing a method for secure firmware updating makes pretty much no sense at all, so it's obvious that this would come sooner or later, especially with Microsofts requirement for the Win8 certification. The consequence of this is that the user gets locked out of his own system. A (hobbyist like me) is no longer able to tweak the firmware of his system in order to use hardware the way he wants. Same goes for benchers, power users, hardware enthusiasts etc. who like to flash a modified bios in order to get access to disabled settings or activate certain CPU extensions which the system manufacturer locked out. The digital signing which gets used in UEFI is really sophisticated, so don't even ask about creating own signatures or revers engineering it. This is the end of bios modding (and especially easy flashing) as we know it. While I have hope that it will be able to find some workarounds for the current AW systems, I have reasons to believe that it will be much more difficult to achieve this with a system which comes with the secure boot function implemented by stock. One thing is for sure, if you intend to use a modified firmware, secure boot needs to be disabled ...but it is obvious that the issue with the secure firmware update (in our case 'secure flash') persists, even with secure boot turned off (for the reasons mentioned above). I don't want to read all this / To much technical details, what are the conclusions of all this for me? Do you use / want to use a modified bios on a current AW system (M14xR2, M17x R4, M18xR2)? If no - doesn't really matter for you, just go ahead and update to the latest bios which Dell provides for your system. If yes... - If you're still on an 'old' BIOS (pre-A08/A07 when looking at the official releases) then you can for example stay there and flash forth and back between a modified and stock bios, as long as the stuff you flashes predates A08 respectively A07 (again, I'm only talking about public, official releases). If you want to update to the latest version, keep in mind that you won't be able to easily downgrade anymore once you're on one of those new bios. You won't be able to easily flash a modified version either, unless you directly flash a modified when coming from an 'old' bios. In this case the mod will flash fine, but the consequences are the same, you won't be able to downgrade anymore easily, neither will you be able to just flash a newer modified bios. And if you already flashed a unmodified new bios and want to get a modified one... shit happens. Contact me in the corresponding thread of your model and we might be able figure out something. Let me know if you have any questions, some explanations might not be sufficient if you're not a bit familiar with all this stuff.
  6. Hello. I'm currently running windows 10 on bios version 1.00 and want to upgrade to 1.03 but cannot boot Ms dos flash in uefi. There is no option to enable Legacy mode and the option to disable uefi in bios is greed out. When I try booting from flash in bios, it shows black screen and returns back to bios screen. My rig is a p157sm. Any help will be appreciated as I'm looking to install prema bios mod.
  7. Hi guys. As with the title, is there any way to get a m17x r3 to use UEFI or is this just a pipe dream? I read over the internet that this requires Dell company itself to refactor the BIOS and release it to the public. Well if that's the case many believe it would be easier to land a man on Mars then to get Dell's help on this issue. Does the hardware itself plays a roll in updating to UEFI ? Well if the motherboard itself doesn't support UEFI and its more of a hardware limitation rather than a software, please let me know and I'll let this dream go, once and for all. Well if not, does anyone else knows of any other way to get a m17x r3 to UEFI-capable ? Imagine fast-booting into win10 and more importantly, a chance to get a 980M working in a m17x r3. (from my understanding 880M is as far as the m17x r3 can go as the 980M requires UEFI-capabilities) I know my laptop is approaching 7 years old and by now most m17xr3 are phrased out but i still believe there are some owners out there still kicking about with their madly modded-out r3s (like me). Thanks for the read
  8. Hello ^^ I am modding mine Dell Latitude XT3 - new SSD, eGPU, maybe new CPU (in the far future). I made my own DIY expresscard adapter for eGPU and everything is running fine, but there are some issues with TOLUD (I workarounded this with DSDT override), PCI express starting with 1.1 settings (workarounded with "driver hack" described below) and primary display adapter settings - I must start laptop without eGPU plugged in - otherwise internal LCD won't work. Theoretically I can do all of these things in "the proper way" with changing hidden BIOS settings. Following this post I prepared my IFR file from setup section and extracted needed UEFI variables: Setting: Primary Display, Variable: 0xB9[1] {05 09 B9 00 01 B1 01 B2 01} Option: Auto, Value: 0x3 {09 09 27 01 03 00 13 00 00} Option: IGFX, Value: 0x0 {09 09 B3 01 00 00 10 00 00} Option: PEG, Value: 0x1 {09 09 B4 01 01 00 10 00 00} Option: PCI, Value: 0x2 {09 09 B5 01 02 00 10 00 00} Setting: Internal Graphics, Variable: 0xBB[1] {05 09 BB 00 01 C4 01 C5 01} Option: Auto, Value: 0x2 {09 09 27 01 02 00 13 00 00} Option: Disabled, Value: 0x0 {09 09 29 01 00 00 10 00 00} Option: Enabled, Value: 0x1 {09 09 28 01 01 00 10 00 00} Setting: Max TOLUD, Variable: 0xC1[1] {05 09 C1 00 01 3F 01 40 01} Option: Dynamic, Value: 0x0 {09 09 41 01 00 00 13 00 00} Option: 1 GB, Value: 0x1 {09 09 4B 01 01 00 10 00 00} Option: 1.25 GB, Value: 0x2 {09 09 4A 01 02 00 10 00 00} Option: 1.5 GB, Value: 0x3 {09 09 49 01 03 00 10 00 00} Option: 1.75 GB, Value: 0x4 {09 09 48 01 04 00 10 00 00} Option: 2 GB, Value: 0x5 {09 09 47 01 05 00 10 00 00} Option: 2.25 GB, Value: 0x6 {09 09 46 01 06 00 10 00 00} Option: 2.5 GB, Value: 0x7 {09 09 45 01 07 00 10 00 00} Option: 2.75 GB, Value: 0x8 {09 09 44 01 08 00 10 00 00} Option: 3 GB, Value: 0x9 {09 09 43 01 09 00 10 00 00} Option: 3.25 GB, Value: 0xA {09 09 42 01 0A 00 10 00 00} Setting: PEG0 - Gen X, Variable: 0xCD[1] {05 09 CD 00 01 75 02 76 02} Option: Auto, Value: 0x0 {09 09 06 00 00 00 13 00 00} Option: Gen1, Value: 0x1 {09 09 7D 02 01 00 00 00 00} Option: Gen2, Value: 0x2 {09 09 7E 02 02 00 00 00 00} (I also checked other values such as SATA mode, Expresscharge etc. just to be sure I extracted everything correctly) Unfortunately none of them (Primary Display, Internal Graphics, TOLUD and PCIe Gen) work. Expresscard slot with eGPU is still stuck at 1gen (without "driver hack" that can set it to 2gen, of course), TOLUD still seems to be Dynamic (when I plug eGPU less than 1 second after power on (before Dell logo) I don't need to do DSDT override, otherwise I need) and Primary Display still seems to be Auto (no internal graphics if eGPU is plugged in before power on). setup_var command works - for example: Setting: SATA Mode Selection, Variable: 0xFB[1] {05 09 FB 00 01 09 03 0A 03} Option: IDE, Value: 0x0 {09 09 0B 03 00 00 10 00 00} Option: AHCI, Value: 0x1 {09 09 0C 03 01 00 13 00 00} Option: RAID, Value: 0x2 {09 09 0D 03 02 00 10 00 00} changes SATA mode just fine. Also values of non-working variables stays the same after reboot. Am I missing something? Maybe some further BIOS unlocking is needed to change all of UEFI variables? Any help would be appreciated. P.S. What "driver hack" is? I discovered that in my case (AMD FirePro V5800) reinstalling AMD driver through official AMD installer can reset PCIe port and it will work with gen2 speed until reboot. Regards, nkp123
  9. What's the difference in both working eGPU setup on UEFI or Legacy? I tried both and UEFI seem to be plug and play instead on Legacy I needed to do some workaround to make my eGPU working , but there's any other difference? Are performance the same? Do Legacy work with all lastest GPUs?
  10. Looking for a UEFI vbios for GTX 680 AMP! edition Model Number: ZT-60102-10P I have attached the version bios for this card in case someone can modify it in some way. GK104.rom
  11. I had the privilege of retrieving a Uefi compatible Vbios for the GTX 670 TI P/N: 03G-P4-3663-KR . I have uploaded the file. Unzip and run the update.exe and it will start the process. enjoy the contents came directly from EVGA.gtx670ti.zip
  12. Version 1.0.0


    User with any of the M14x R2 / M17x R4 / M18x R2 notebooks with a current BIOS have reported issues when using the Secure Boot / Fast Boot options in combination with the dedicated Nvidia / AMD GPU. Files contained in this archive: GTX 660m - Dell GTX 680m - 80.04.5B.00.02.zip Dell 7970m - Dell Dell 675m - 70.24.4E.00.10.zip To learn more about how to use the files in this archive, please visit the thread below: Donation link In case you want to buy me a beer Thanks and cheers!
  13. Version 1.0.0


    User with any of the M14x R2 / M17x R4 / M18x R2 notebooks with a current BIOS have reported issues when using the Secure Boot / Fast Boot options in combination with the dedicated Nvidia / AMD GPU. Files contained in this archive: GTX 660m - Dell GTX 680m - 80.04.5B.00.02.zip Dell 7970m - Dell Dell 675m - 70.24.4E.00.10.zip To learn more about how to use the files in this archive, please visit the thread below: Donation link In case you want to buy me a beer Thanks and cheers!
  14. Version 1.0.0


    User with any of the M14x R2 / M17x R4 / M18x R2 notebooks with a current BIOS have reported issues when using the Secure Boot / Fast Boot options in combination with the dedicated Nvidia / AMD GPU. Files contained in this archive: GTX 660m - Dell GTX 680m - 80.04.5B.00.02.zip Dell 7970m - Dell Dell 675m - 70.24.4E.00.10.zip To learn more about how to use the files in this archive, please visit the thread below: Donation link In case you want to buy me a beer Thanks and cheers!
  15. That was quick... A09 is available on the Dell site. Or not. At least I grabbed it... if you can't access it, grab the attachement. Dell link: Drivers and Downloads | Dell [united States] Let us know how it goes. As with A08, I think you won't be able to easily downgrade to anything older than A08. M14x R2 - BIOS A09 -stock-.zip
  16. A08 is soooo yesterday, so come and grab A9 Dell link: Drivers and Downloads | Dell [united States] File is also attached since the link probably won't work for a while. M17x R4 - BIOS A09 -stock-.zip
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