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Found 5 results

  1. Well its baaaaaccckkkk!!! I'll skip the introduction and just give the info. you need: [url=http://betaforge.multiplay.co.uk/servers/655378/view][/url] BF3 SERVER INFORMATION Name Tech|Inferno Battlefield 3 Server Game/Mod Battlefield 3 + B2K Expansion Address [FONT=Verdana][/FONT] Battlelog Link Tech|Inferno MUMBLE SERVER INFORMATION Name Tech|Inferno Mumble IP Address, Port 2662 PW: babesandb00bs Mumble Link [URL]mumble://[/URL] BF3 SERVER SETTINGS ​ Players 16 Player Health 60% Tickets 600 Friendly Fire ON Kill Cam OFF # Players to start round 1 # Players to restart round 1 # TK before player kicked 5 3D Spotting OFF Kick Idle Player (seconds) 300
  2. Finally some news regarding this game has surfaced. I've posted a few videos on the front page so in case you missed them, you can find the posts here: EA shows off first footage of Battlefield 3 | Tech|Inferno Leaked Battlefield 3 Video From GDC | Tech|Inferno The game is shaping up to be one hell of a sequel and hopefully the long wait will have been worth it! Of course I'll be buying the game the day its released (hopefully on steam).
  3. Here some news and details about something a lot of you guys have been waiting for... the BF3 beta!! Regular beta starts on the 29.09.11 (and in the U.S. on the 09.29.11 ) However, all with the MOH limited edition or Tier1 edition will be able to get access to the early beta, which starts on the 27th of September... (this includes me ) According to DICE employee the final version will require two GTX 580 to play the game at max possible settings... @Jimbo, you're ready? All details can be found here: Battlefield 3 Beta
  4. FIRST... THANK YOU ALEX SIX! I WILL REPAY YOU WHEN THE BF3 LAUNCH HITS. The Game: The game itself is a very weird combination of web interface plus back end engine. In truth I don't like the web interface but maybe it's something they have chosen to have it more lite on the front end. The game itself only has 4 settings in game once it's launched. Low, Med, High, Auto. The config file is located at C:\Users\YOURWINDOWSLOGINID\AppData\Local\BF3\settings The settings are strange in that if you make even one change and save, it will lock your game completely up. I have tried in game, out of game, auto. Here are some comparison screenshots taken with FRAPS. Stock Clocks, No OC. Each on Low, Medium, High, Auto Here are more screenshots taken with FRAPS. GPU @ 750/1000. Each on Low, Medium, High, Auto More screenshots taken with FRAPS. GPU @ 750/1000. Each on Low, Medium, High, Auto More screenshots taken with FRAPS. GPU @ 750/1000. Each on Low, Medium, High, Auto Here are screenshots of the actual configs on each setting level. Notice that even on lower settings that Ambient Occlusion is enabled. This alone will cause major impact to game performance. Again Low, Med, High then Auto. (Thoughts.. I am wondering if the config options are in mem **a lot like ATI driver settings** and rather than config file modifications we need a tool to modify the settings in memory) The config file is located at C:\Users\YOURWINDOWSLOGINID\AppData\Local\BF3\settings PROF_SAVE_body I played for many sessions (and on/off a few more). I stayed above 30fps for 95 percent of the time and up to 45fps during the outside maps. If Dice allows the ability to disable the ambient occlusion and AA we should easily be able to stay above 35-40fps even during the most intense fire fights IMO. I am very impressed with the game so far. I will post a few screenshots soon to follow. As you can see in the config file theirs really not much to choose from. I was yelling for others to optmize but at this point you really can't do much. I hope BETA allows for better individualization. For M14x Owners, if you get access to the Alpha, you can set it to AUTO, Low or Medium and play. If you set it to HIGH you will most likely see some drops into the 20s. I strongly advise you overclock to at least 750/900 as the screenshots show you its an extra 5 to 6fps for smooth gameplay. My concerns... 1. Dx9 was not supposed to be supported yet the directx9 source files are included with alpha install and when I run the bf3.exe in compatibility mode as Windows XP it runs. You get a warning at the top of the in the web browser but the game starts and works. 2. Is the game really running in DX10 or DX11? I can run the game without issue in vista sp2 compat mode and dont get an increase in performance. NEXT UP.. CPU UTILIZATION, GPU UTILIZATION, CORES, and other... CPU Utilization - i7-2630QM with all 8 threads enabled (parking disabled) hovered anywhere between 40-60percent utilization. most threads were around 40 percent utilized but overall total it was normally between those numbers. Never at 100 percent. GPU Utilization - The nvidia 555mGT stays pegged at 99-100 percent the entire match. My temps were normally around 72-74c at all times. The graphics themselves are a step back from BFBC2 it still seems to push the card. StevenX
  5. Just as the title says, here is the video. <object width="853" height="510"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MubgUQAnBg4?version=3&hl=en_US&hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MubgUQAnBg4?version=3&hl=en_US&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="853" height="510" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
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