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About por

  • Birthday 02/17/1970

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  1. Thx Tonrac, is there a tutorial somewhere on how to mod a jack in the way needed here? What does the mod involve? Cutting off the tip and solding a new tip? Pitty there are no ready adapters available in the desired direction (7.5mm*5mm to 2.5mm*5.5mm). I have a "weak" processor - 3610qm. This should give me some free Watts right? It is supposed to consume 10 Watts less than the 3920XM.
  2. What do you mean until you played Far Cry 3? Did you experience crashes? I should probably look for a 230W psu then? Do you know of a good model that could be found, say, on ebay?
  3. But isn't the voltage one of the limiting factors for overclocking the memory and cores further? I was also wondering if a 180W psu would support a 1.025 or a 1.050 OV.
  4. If you can boot dos again, try flashing an MSI rom. Are you able to get to the bios? The idea is to boot dos again even if nothing comes on the screen and try to enter the commands blindly. You can download MSI roms from the second post or download the original MSI rom from here: http://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/index.php?page=1&architecture=&manufacturer=&model=GTX+680M&interface=&memSize=0 If you can't boot dos, you might have to send you Notebook for repairs at the place where you bought it .
  5. Would it make much sense to flash the 1.050 V version? Do you think that's too serious an over-volting? Does it get too hot very quickly?
  6. Thx darkhawn, i just thought that because this thread is more recent, the vbios here would be better What about this boost feature that is mentioned in the first post? Is it unimportant? i flashed an MSI vbios with 1.025 OV now (from the second post in the thread you posted) and it has stock clocks and memory. Is it the case that now overclocking would be more stable and overall performance better than on the standard vbios?
  7. Is someone able to install standard drivers on this modified vbios? The drivers provided in the first post install ok but i was wondering if there is a way to make the standard drivers say version 314 work. I tried manipulating the nvcvn.inf file of the standard drivers a bit but couldn't make them work: "This graphics drivers could not find compatible graphics hardware" I'm trying to add the line %NVIDIA_DEV.11A0.0000.1462% = Section074, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_11A0&SUBSYS_00001462 in the section " [NVIDIA_SetA_Devices.NTamd64.6.2]" (PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_11A0&SUBSYS_00001462 is one of the Hardware ids of the card after flashing the custom vbios) and also the line: DEV_11A0&SUBSYS_00001462 "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680M " in the section "Strings" to the nvcvn.inf SOLVED I found a modded .inf file: http://forums.laptopvideo2go.com/topic/30049-v31407-windows-8-64bit-nvidia-oem-mobile/
  8. A solution to this problem vie the windows cmd is available here: Which Nvflash version to use for GTX 680M? the attachment is about something else, i don't know how to remove it
  9. If you flash the wrong vbios version in the windows cmd how would you be able to flash the old version back? NVflash does not recognize my card in DOS... and so the only way for me to flash a vbios is via the cmd in windows as described in the next post.
  10. What is the lifespan of an mildly overclocked card say (10% on the memory and cores)? I mean why wouldn't the devs push the card to the limits of what is safe in the first place?
  11. Glossy screens are quite nice in moderate ambient light scenarios, but as soon as you get outside on a sunny day you need to crank up the backlight to be able to discern something on the screen... Even good matte screens have the issue with the bad viewing angles and the picture being somehow not that sharp but overall i think they are less straining to the eye.
  12. Hi everyone, I have a M73-2N laptop from One. Is is equipped with an MSI 4GB GTX 680m card. My current vbios version is: Motherboard: MS-16F3 What vbios version should i use, if i want to overclock the card in the way described here? Thx in advance for any help!
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