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pennies last won the day on July 13 2022

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  1. With what tool did you extract the bios?
  2. Great News !!!!! Thanks for your feedback !!
  3. I can advise you to use afuwin (which I have enclosed) Type AFUWINx64.exe Cyraxmod.rom /GAN from Command Prompt http://www.mediafire.com/file/70vkk2po508bwcd/CyraxMOD.rom.rar this is have CHIPSET unlock, if I have forgotten something in advance menu you can unlock yourself with amibcp. Remember FLASH UNDER YOUR RESPONSASIBILY !!!!!!! change some settings, especially disconnect INTEL video card or change videomemory BRICK your laptop !!!!!!! not change unless you know what you do !!!!
  4. Hi. I can not guarantee anything.... When someone flash a modified bios, there are always small risks ... As there are some risks to change some settings (especially in the VIDEO section) ... However, the choice is yours, in the previous post you asked for a modified bios, and if you want I'll unlock for you....
  5. Hi, extract your bios with AFUWIN 3.05.04 and I will unlock for you.
  6. Hi. Have you tried to shorten the jumper JRST2001 and JRST2002, located under the RAM?
  7. Hi. If you extract the SETUP with UEFITOOL and open with HxD Editor you will notice that the CHIPSET menu was deleted and replaced with 000000000000000000000000000000. If you send me your dump bios, I can do it for you
  8. Hi. This is your bios with chipset unlock, the advance setting you can open it yourself with AMIBCP http://www.mediafire.com/file/f1o8b736jzewdx3/BIOSBackupMOD.rar
  9. Hi to all, exist a guide on what values change to unlock mei ?
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