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Everything posted by Brian

  1. We're getting ready for release! About 18 hours to go, who's ready with the pre-load? Got my Titan X SLI ready for this shit
  2. This is exactly what I'm afraid of and I think even Valve realizes that MS's plan is a threat to PC gaming as we know it. They will probably try to create an incentive for devs to put their titles on Xbox Live for PC under the guise of PC players getting multiplay and other features for free. Once it gets a foothold, MS will probably hoist a pay service on us just like their console.
  3. So MS's ultimate goal right now is to bridge Windows 10 with their Xbox One via Xbox Live and game interplay. What this means is they want universal apps that run on phones, tablets, pc and xbone (lowest common denominator approach) and also intend to do that with games. Again, when you have cross platform games like that, you are looking at a mass dumbing down of games. This shows Microsoft doesn't care at all about PC gaming, it just wants to prop up it's shit box and tablet sales while sacrificing high end PC gaming on the altar like it's been doing for years. Just all the more reason we need Valve to succeed with GLNext + Linux gaming alternatives. But the key is for PC gaming publishers to come on board and I don't know if they necessarily will with Microsoft having so much sway and publishers looking to make bundles of money from cross platform games. Source: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/microsoft-outlines-plan-bridge-xbox-pc-video-gaming-033532212.html#comments
  4. Well I managed to get rid of my 980s. Getting a single Titan X However, I will take donations for the "'Help Brian get Titan X SLI for humanity fund". I promise to take a LOT of pretty pictures, benchmarks and will provide an entertaining unboxing video.
  5. I want one but unfortunately I have a little problem: Anyone want to donate to the "Get Brian a Titan X for humanity" fund? I promise I'll take lots of pretty pictures of me drooling on it.
  6. I know many of us were disappointed in NVIDIA's conference yesterday (March 3rd) because they didn't mention any new GPUs like a lot of people were expecting and instead focused on their new Shield console. However, today during the last part of Epic's GDC conference, Jen Hsun showed up with a surprise...the GTX Titan-X: FB: https://www.facebook.com/NVIDIAGeForce/photos/a.133985876620878.19519.130554466964019/1104321549587301/?type=1&theater Specifications given: 12 GB framebuffer, 8 billion transistors. Tim Sweeney got the very first signed Titan X. 4K Wallpaper for the fanboys: If I had to guess, this thing will cost at least $1100-$1200. BUT I think what this means is we'll see a GM 200 Geforce version by May/June. So who's excited? I am but not for the Titan-X but more so for the GeForce version!
  7. You should post that in comments section on sites where they claim notebook OC'ing doesn't exist or overheats.
  8. This news is HUGE! I'm surprised more people aren't talking about this. Today the FCC ruled that broadband companies will be regulated as utilities just like phones are and this will prevent their bullshit back dealings of throttling people's internet connections or charging services like Netflix and Youtube money for "optimized" traffic. Of course Verizon and the rest are already crying foul and threatening to sue. Some articles: FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For 'Open Internet' : The Two-Way : NPR of course Electronic Frontier Foundations statement: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/02/fcc-votes-net-neutrality-big-win
  9. Have you given it a try yet? Edit: doesn't do anything for desktops with g-sync unfortunately.
  10. I believe they are partnered with @Prema so they sell his vbios preloaded on some of their systems.
  11. Surprising, they won't provide any guidance @Khenglish and @Prema can help guide ya on overclocking since they're the Clevo experts around here. I think Prema is going to be PM'ing you if he hasn't already.
  12. @Cassus_Belli the rules are there for a reason and complaining will do no good as they are set in stone at this point. But lucky you, you've gone to 5+ (despite two being complaint posts) and can now download whatever you want all thanks to T|I making these resources available to you.
  13. No problem and like the other guy, I'd consider opening up your laptop and making sure there's no epoxy or paste leaking out causing the smell. Put the laptop near an open window and let it run with a benchmarking program looping so it can burn off and expel the gas. But like I said, if it fails to go away or it smells like it's actually burning something (e.g. busted cap, plastic burning smell etc) then call LPC and exchange it.
  14. Unfortunately everything is being dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. EA recently said their games are "too hard" so they will keep dumbing those down as well (as if they're not already awful enough). Then you have Microsoft with Windows 8 and now 10 (10 is just as atrocious) with using "apps" instead of much more functional software we already have and the ugly flat colors and wonky interface. Now with respect to the vbios lockout, I'm hoping it's not universal among all MXM cards but if it is, then it's certainly worth mentioning in a review by some publications. The more people are made aware of this, then perhaps NVIDIA will shift gears on it like they did with the software lock.
  15. Hey Jarred, welcome to T|I, good to have you here. Did you recently get a hold of that Clevo? If so, you may be interested to take a look here: http://forum.techinferno.com/general-notebook-discussions/8998-nvidia-officially-states-they-cut-overclocking-mobile-gpus-3.html#post124474 Apparently NVIDIA has began locking down vbios now in new 970M/980M shipments. So while technically they claim they will re-enable overclocking in their drives, they're putting in lockouts on their vbios. Definitely something worth noting in your article on AT when the time comes. Also, @Prema and @svl7 are our resident modders so they should be able to help you with any questions you have.
  16. If NVIDIA does lock out vbios flashing in the future at the driver level, I don't think any kind of outrage will change their minds on that one. Plus most news sites wouldn't even care since vbios flashing is such an abstract concept to 99% of gamers out there. We could only hope the community is creative enough to find ways around it, kind of like how Jailbreak devs get around Apple's lockouts in a cat and mouse fashion every update.
  17. I might have to look into getting a tube of GC Extreme next time I repaste my CPU (which won't be for a long time since I just got a new H100i). I found those old Clevo heatsinks too, they're GPU ones though.
  18. Interesting, so what has to be done to bypass the signing requirement in nvflash? It's disappointing that they are blocking unsigned vbios although I can kinda understand the drop in support for the DOS version since not many people will bother with that if the Windows version works reliably.
  19. You should probably keep it in a ventilated area until the smell goes away though I doubt it's toxic. However, there was another member here at T|I that had a system w/that smell and it didn't go away at all and he was stuck wtith it. So keep an eye on it for about a week and it it doesn't go away, contact your vendor. Edit: Here's that thread: http://forum.techinferno.com/clevo/8885-w230ss-nasty-smell-cooling.html#post121305
  20. NVFLASH was developed by NVIDIA themselves correct? When's the last time they updated it? Since you mentioned a hacked nvflash, I'm wondering how long until it simply doesn't work any longer regardless of being hacked to do so. Thinking long term like Pascal where there's a big architectural change.
  21. @Prema it can be circumvented right? Also to the guy that has a lock, what happens if you force flash an older vbios? As long as you can do that then you're good. Just hope nvidia doesn't make it impossible in newer releases. The timing of nvidia doing all this honestly makes no sense because they've dominated notebook gpu's for three years so they could have done the vbios lock much earlier. Crappy Dell side, I've no reason to think Clevo would ask nvidia for a vbios lock for their mxm cards.
  22. It's battle royale and it's good for quick action. The regular game mode requires you to run around like DayZ and gather items at a slower pace and build up your base if that's your goal. Plus the game itself is just lacking in content overall so that's probably why more people are playing battle royale.
  23. Wow that's pretty crappy. In fact, I MIGHT have some old Clevo heatsinks laying around here from the GTX 580M era, I'll post some pics later and let me know if they look similar to the surface on the one's you have. So you're saying the GE Extreme is more viscous therefore it stays inside vs MX-4 that falls out of the sides due to poor pressure + gravity regardless of the amount used? What method for thermal paste application do you use? Dot, line etc?
  24. So I was just looking around for some solid data on how the GPU industry is doing overall when I ran across this metric: • PC graphics boards add-in-board AIB supplier's market share 2010-2014 | Statistic See that sharp decline in Q3 2014? Now that's before Q4 2014 sales have been factored in so I'd imagine they lost even MORE marketshare since then and well I'd be right because according to John Peddie research, this is what the AIB market looked like as of Q4 2014: Source: Add-in board market down in Q4, Nvidia increases market share lead - Comments - Press Releases OUCH! And keep in mind the biggest growth market right now is mobile graphics (not laptops but phones/tablets) where AMD has no presence at all. Even NVIDIA barely scrapes a 1% share with Qualcomm being the giant but John Peddie did say, "The upcoming SoC suppliers with impressive design wins to their credit are Intel (proprietary GPU) and Nvidia (proprietary GPU). Qualcomm however, is the giant in the industry." The sad thing is that AMD's poor leadership let Qualcomm grow so huge. If they hadn't sold their Radeon patents, Qualcomm wouldn't have propelled to such epic proportions without Adreno (anagram of Radeon). So at least NVIDIA has their foot in the door even if Tegra failed to capture the smartphone market like NVIDIA wanted. They're making inroads in the automotive and tablet market. The biggest giant to watch out for is of course Intel as they will use their fab lead + piles of money to capture market share but with Samsung now supplying fab space to NVIDIA, that shouldn't be as big of a deal as before. When it comes to mobile GPU technology, NVIDIA buries Intel and the rest so with Samsung fabs, they could really start making an impact later in 2016.
  25. Ok the less than flat surface + poor mounting pressure of the Clevo IHS could make some difference. Have any pics of any recent Clevo heatsinks? I'm curious to see what the mounts look like as well as the surface. It would be remiss of Clevo to be shipping systems with poorly developed heatsinks, especially performance systems.
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