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Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. From what I have read - 1050ti won't work when using mPCIe - which I assume you are using in the Y480. This is because it requires you to install an older driver first (372) then upgrade - however driver 372 doesn't support 1050ti. See this thread for some other guys trying to find a way around it. ADMIN EDIT: Linking 3rd party sites forbidden. You could try a GTX 1060 and this should work fine with the Y480 What is your EGPU setup?
  2. Did anyone try what is suggested by Ahmed? He seems to say (and many others comment) that using DDU to uninstall, installing old driver then upgrading to new seems to fix Error43. Has anyone else tried this?
  3. Hi all, Nice to see this thread is still alive - I saw blowntaha's post about Y580 eGPU - would the same go for a Y480 using EXP GDC Beast possibly? And has anyone had success with Y480/580 using EXP GDC Beast and GTX 10XX series cards? ( I know this thread is not about that, but there is some discussion and wondering if this BIOS will benefit). It seems this guy had no problem installing older GPU driver, then upgrading to latest without error
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