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About tony7755333

  • Birthday 12/16/1992

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  1. @J95 , dont know if im doing it right, stock vbios with sli disable
  2. @J95 Finally made it back home, here are voltage reading (all stock)! Now I cant wait to get my hands on prema mod! @Prema Sorry i didnt notice that
  3. @J95, i tried the 3d sensor, but it kept running for around 5-6 min, i have to close it because i need to go to work. How long does the whole testing take?
  4. Here you are @J95! I wish i can use prema mod, but im on win8.1 and is in uefi mode.........
  5. Im sorry that my current version of 3dmark can not do that( im using the free version), but running games seems pretty solid compare to the old driver.
  6. Just test it out and here is my result NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3720QM Processor,Alienware M18xR2 I did overclock a bit to see if there is any throttle.
  7. im too hoping to see j95 amazing work! It seems like this driver does improve performance on some games, but it also cause crashes when using chrome.
  8. Nvidia just released a new driver, hope to see j95's amazing work soon!^^
  9. I dont find it attractive on multiple aspect, the price is a bit steep for a mini pc running on a 860m gpu, and the better alternatives like the ps4 can perform around the same 860m but cost alot cheaper when on sell. Game selection might be its advantage but i dont see the point if someone owns a desktop would consider to play their games on the alienware alpha that has limited gpu power. If he really wants to game on pc, he better use those money to build a desktop.
  10. just ran the game on a single 980m(wish i got my sli cable now so i can test how good sli works in this game) It ran beautiful but still experience some stutter so i rather just turn off msaa afterall. My 3720qm clocks around 3.7ghz but i dont see the difference compare to stock clock, so i guess cpu is not the main factor. I can get 60 fps solid at city and goes around 50 ish at country side. Might need a bit more tweaking on the setting to achieve all around 60 solid fps, but for now im satisfy with what my card is capable to do!
  11. I would say its worth the upgrade if you want to play the upcoming games at ultra. I was running a 7970m which was some what close to a 680m, i was immediately blown away but how the 980m out performed the 7970m, the card runs around 40-50 ish Celsius and peek at 73 ish in gaming and i get almost double the fps i got from 7970m.
  12. hi, i want to know how to edit inf so that i can get my 980m in my m18x r2 running?
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