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About Rayleigh

  • Birthday 07/21/1987

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  1. Hi, could you post the results of 3dmark 2011 e firestrike with these frequancies? And max temperature too? Thank you very much
  2. Ok I'll try. I have a favor to ask, could you please post the super version of the vbios again? Thank you very much!
  3. How did you do the backup of the BIOS? I've tried with GPU-Z but it gave me an error saying that card was not supported....
  4. Hi everyone. Yesterday I've received my new Asus G750JH with GTX780M. I'm really excited and I want to OC it in order to try to get the same performance of the 880M. I've searched the thread but I haven't found any download link for the modified vbios (I think they were deleted). It's possible to post it again? And what OC software do you advice? Thank you very much!
  5. Hello everyone, I've received today my new Asus G750JH and I'd like to flash the vbios super version. I searched the thread but I haven't found any download link. It's possible to post again the latest version of the unlocked bios? Thank you!
  6. In case of OC it's necessary to replace the thermal paste (with MX-4 or IC Diamond, I guess) or the stock compound is good too?
  7. Yes but i think that 8Gb of memory are useless. Which game needs so much graphic memory? And even in the future with higher detailed textures I don't think it'll be entirely used.
  8. I read that the IC Diamond is good, but could have some scratching effect on the chip. Do you know if it's true?
  9. It's just a question I had, because reading the thread about the bios mods the Asus g750 is not included in the compatibility list of the modified 780M vbios. I'm happier this way, because I haven't bought my new notebook yet, but the g750jh is strongly my first choice. Just another little question: the modified bios could help in reducing the throttling even at stock frequencies, or the g750jh doesn't have this problem?
  10. The OC capabilities of the Asus G750JH are lower than other notebooks with MXM system?
  11. So from that review it seems that a good OC of the 780M should have the same performance of the 880M..... Not bad, I think for now the 780M is the best choise until the new Maxwell top nvidia card will be released, and I think this will happen only the next year.
  12. Hello everybody, I searched the forum but I didn't find a specific thread for this topic. Since it's an important element of the OC process I think it's worth a dedicated thread. I changed the thermal paste of my notebook some time ago and I used the Arctic Silver 5, which in my researches seemed to be a good compromise between quality and price. In my case the thermal performance didn't change so much with respect to the stock paste. I wanted to know if there is something better, expecially in terms of OC possibilities. Do you know and use a better paste?
  13. Fantastic story and thrilling ending, though the gameplay is not on the same quality level of the settingand artistic direction. A very good game and I would say a must to play.
  14. Just a question: the OC possibilities are predetermined since the beginning depending on the quality of the chip, or using a good thermal paste and dissipation system it's always possible to achieve good results?
  15. Hi everyone, I'm a 26 yo electronic engineer with a huge passion for gaming. Since a travel quite often I always bought gaming notebooks. At the moment I have an Ipower GX, which served me very well in the last 5-6 years (I still can play almost all the games a 1080p with high detail, except for the latest ones and the Witcher 2 Now It's time for an upgrade and my choise goes to the Asus G750JH. My only concern it's about the new 880M performance, but from what I've read on the forum, if I'll be lucky and I'll get a good quality card, I can be able to OC the 780M to match the 880M and saving a lot of money at the same time. What's your opinion?
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