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Everything posted by _EF_

  1. Dear svl7, unfortunately the link is dead Could you please upload it again? Your BIOS patch is perfect!
  2. Had anybody managed to achieve 300Mbps wifi connection speed using the default wifi intel card that comes within Y500? I was only able to have not more than 125Mbps (I have Linksys WRT610N, and with Acer 1825PT it was able to connect at 300Mbps, thus I wouldn't blame wifi router, but rather Y500's wifi driver settings)
  3. Does that mean that if we set lower threshold, the coolers will start roaring on lower temperatures? Or it will proportionally sacrifice performance for the sake of temperature?
  4. Win 8 makes me feel as if I'm having a big mobile phone, while I expect to have a desktop system. I could understand "Metro" interface if I had a touchscreen. However on Y500 there is no need to have those big tiles. Before uninstalling win8 I was trying to switch off Metro. However, I had more serious troubles. I have USB SAT tuner which was working good under win 7, but was silently not working Also installing Ubuntu on other partition caused problems with Windows 8 - actually I wasn't able to start Win 8 from grub... I have nothing against Win 8 in general, except for it causes me a lot of troubles and is not useable in my particular case
  5. Could anybody please advise, whether after patching BIOS there appears an option to switch off SLI? It looks like without switching it off MacOS is not able to be installed on Y500...
  6. This is exactly my story. I was fighting with Windows 8 on Y500 for 3 days - it was licensed and i felt sorry to loose it. It was doing endless updates, started loading slower and slower, etc. At last I formatted all the system-hidden-etc partitions by gparted and installed my favourite windows 7 xDark which works 3 times faster than Win 8.
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