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  1. Location: your moms closet ha ha lol

  2. You better release the 11.5 review soon before 11.6 leaks out and you post up another thread about waiting
  3. You are such a tease and oh so lazy. Take a simple picture and post up some shots of the HAWTNESS
  4. I am gonna relieve your torture and go ahead and swap out Aydin's laptop for yours. Then you can begin benching his V-tech and swap out the paste for Mx-4. I will take care of your m18x and will even do you a favor by posting up a review on TI only.
  5. I think voltage should be easy to manipulate in the same way WIZ is planning on tweaking Bios OC. He will still have 5 options like 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% instead he will relabel those and change the hex value or some sort of value corresponding to that. He spoke about doing it in increments of 2%. I think he would be able to use the 75mv and 150mv and just find out what code it is using for both and try to change the code for 75mv to 150mv code and use a new code for 150mv that would give you the increased voltage. Not sure if he can add more voltage options or just modify the 2 options to use a higher voltage.
  6. This might be the reason why you have a hard time with the ladies....I kid i kid
  7. looks nice thanks for the info....BAZINGA!!!!
  8. Offset changes for 10 from stock to 5%: Stock: 31 1%: 32 2%: 33 3%: 33 4%: 34 5%: 34 I can go to 37 or 38 stable and 39 leads to BSOD. Usually 150mhz to 152mhz is where i max out and is plenty to get a 920xm over 4.0ghz
  9. Fujipoly Premium System Builder Thermal Pad - 1/4 Sheet - 150 x 100 x 0.5 - Thermal Conductivity 6.0 W/mK - FrozenCPU.com Fujipoly Premium System Builder Thermal Pad - 1/4 Sheet - 150 x 100 x 1.0 - Thermal Conductivity 6.0 W/mK - FrozenCPU.com Arctic Cooling MX-4 Super High Performance Non-Conductive Thermal Compound (4g) - FrozenCPU.com Tuniq TX-4 High Performance Thermal Grease - 3.0g - FrozenCPU.com Shin-Etsu X23-7783D Silicone Thermal Compound - 1g - FrozenCPU.com
  10. Guys...I cant stress how much attention you need to pay when screwing down the heatsink. If you are a NOOB do not even attempt this and just upgrade to high quality paste. If you have experience take your time and LESS is MORE so go easy on tightening and have your computer on while screwing down CPU to get a even load temp and stop when you are ahead before you CRACK that chip.
  11. I would say GTX 485m and 6970 otherwise stick with m17x. Rumors Google Translate Google Translate CLiff notes: m17x r3 Nvidia Series 465 and 485, Ati series of 6870 and 6970. M18x: TOP SECRET..not even Michael Dell knows about it all we know is it's BADD A** and Aluminum
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