Thank you svl7 for making and sharing this BIOS. I've flashed and done some tests with games today. The BIOS is great. I have more control over my Titans, thanks to the removed GPU Boost 2.0 I purposely let GPU temps go over 80C to see if downclocking kicks in. And your BIOS keeps Titans at rock steady clocks. No throttle, no downclocking whatsoever. And if GPU usage drops due to less demand on GPUs, it downclocks and this is a good thing. Overclocking using NVidia Inspector works fine. (Creating overclocking shorcuts for my Titan SLI and putting them in Startup folder also works great.) Overclocking using EVGA Precision X also works great. Although I have not tested with MSI AfterBurner, I see a few posts in this thread that overclocking using MSI AfterBurner does not work with your BIOS for some reason. It was my understanding that EVGA Precision X and MSI AfterBurner are essentially the same program made by Unwinder ? Anyway, thank you svl7, again for the great BIOS. This is the best BIOS for Titan.