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  1. A lot of the third-party 485m's people are buying are actually *built by dell*. None of dell's current line have them though, so I am 100% certain we will eventually see the 485m as an option sooner rather than later. This may well be the reason for the delay, even. For the development and game dev I do, my only option is nvidia. I prefer AMD, no doubt, but I cant stand using sketchup/udk/unity/etc at sub par performance any more. Also, more importantly, I have no fucking idea where this myth has come from that nvidia has better drivers. They don't. They never have. They never will. Nvidia have had woeful driver support ever since the geforce 8xxx series. No one seems to remember all the troubles huh? If anyone is curious, here are some terms to google for: "NV4 disp error", "Nvidia restart PC", "Nvidia driver melting graphics cards", etc... AMD's engineering department is more than double the size of Nvidia's. They spend more money and more resources on building their drivers. Nvida, on the other hand, spends that same money bribing game developers to make their game work around nvidia's problems (they call it "the way its meant to be played") and part of this agreement is they cannot optimize for AMD or intel. The only benefit to nvidia's drivers is the larger game support for multi-gpu, and even this is dwindling fast. It has been repeatedly shown however that AMD multi GPU (crossfire) performance is now far superior to nvidia since the 6xxx series. Even the microstuttering on ATI's products are less pronounced. If all you are doing is gaming, go AMD. And dont look back. If you are doing any kind of Dev work, you may have to go to nvidia. I know for one that sketchup performs much much faster on nvidia. -Ash
    2 points
  2. Since we didn't have one yet, this is it. I'll update this post with the newest driver releases, bios mods and news for the R2. Please keep all M17x-R2 owner posts confined to this thread if possible. System Files (Dell OEM) Download Links System Bios Bios A10 Chipset Intel Ibex Peak PCH Chipset Audio IDT 92HD73C1 Audio -, A03 Media Card Ricoh R5U230 -, A00 Infrared Receiver ITE IT8512 CIR Receiver -, A00 Touchpad Synaptics TouchPad -, A04 Bluetooth Dell Wireless 370 Bluetooth Minicard -, A02-1 Dell Wireless 1520 Dell Wireless WLAN 1520 Half MiniCard -, A04 Intel Wireless 6300 Intel WiFi Link 6300 - 13.0, A00 Intel Gigabit Ethernet Intel 825xx Gigabit Platform LAN Network Device -, A01 Intel Rapid Storage (HDD) Intel Rapid Storage Technology -, A00 Free Fall Sensor ST Microelectronics DE351DL Free Fall Sensor -, A01 AMD 5870M Display AMD Mobility Radeon HD5870 - 8.763-100810a-104118C-Dell, A01 AMD 5870M VBios AMD Mobility Radeon HD5870 - 13B96101.104, A01 Alienware OSD Alienware OSD Application - 1.13, A03 Alienware Command Center Alienware Command Center -, A07 Alienware Wallpapers Alienware Wallpapers - A01 Alienware GUISE custom theme Custom Desktop Themes - A-02 Alienguise Theme Combo-Win7
    1 point
  3. Documentation Take a look at those heatpipes! *phew!* 3 thick heapipes per GPU. This thing can easily take a couple of 485m's. The questions remain: Power Circuitry? is it going to be enough? (probably) Bios whitelisting? Will the bios block non-approved cards? (also, probably) I am moving in August, and my job contract ends in July, so I will be buying my m18x in sept-oct this year. If by then they still dont have the 485m sli as a selection, my plan is to: Buy the base config with 460m sli from USA Buy the 485m sli pair from logicalblueone (local supplier) and MAKE IT WORK ??? Profit! Im sure someone will want to buy an SLI pair of 460m's somewhere on ebay if I can get it to work, but overall, I'm excited and hopeful! I was in doubt about the 485m's until I saw the cooling. It looks monstrous! As soon as I know everything is all working, I am going to proceed to see if I can do any cooling improvements to this behemoth. It will be interesting to see if they learned from all our work on the M17x-R2. -Ash
    1 point
  4. Anyone else see what's wrong in this photo? o.O
    1 point
  5. If they had released today, we would be talking about our orders, Sadly I really can't wait, I use my laptops for something besides gaming and I am about to go into overdrive and I need my laptop like a month ago, waiting 2 more months is out of the question for me. Hey in the upside I look forward to talk and discuss about our order to the m19x or the all powerful m21x!!!
    1 point
  6. It sucks that it got pushed back a month but that's okay with me I guess, I have the M17x-R2 to tide me over. Still would have liked it if they released it today with the M11x-R3 and M14x. I updated the first post with the announcement video.
    1 point
  7. Looks like the same wording as r3 options in BIOS settings which leads me to believe the 18x will also use InsydeH20 edit: stacked HDD ports ? "Mobile Intel HM67 Express Chipset" page 60 Maybe I was right about r3 and 18x sharing BIOS?
    1 point
  8. Confirmed IGP in avenger (from service manual) Video controller : Integrated •Intel HD Graphics 3000 Discrete •NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M •AMD Radeon HD 6970M
    1 point

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