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I have alienware m14xr2, servis tag - 8J619W1.

In BIOS a have admin password instaled. How can I unlocked it???


Upload unlocked BIOS changes nothing beyond BIOS version. administrator password is still installed.

Someone can help me??


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  • Founder

Try removing the cmos battery, that should cause it to reset. Also remove the battery and unplug the power cord and hold down the power button for 10 seconds to see if that does anything.

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cutting off power and removing the CMOS battery gives nothing.



flashing bios from windows not work - a03 stop in windows, a10 stop after restert.


flashing bios from dos not quite work. BIOS version varies but is still locked.

I do everything step by step how in this topic.


I tried to impose a13unlocked on a13stock, a11unlocked on a13stock and wile other combinations.








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  • Founder

@Kosti81 in that case you need to call Dell technical support and provide them with your service tag and other info they request. They will generate a master password for you which should unlock it. 


See this thread for details: http://en.community.dell.com/owners-club/alienware/f/3746/t/19599254

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the problem is that I do not have an account with the shop and the technician says that they do not know how to take off this password. They advised to replace the motherboard on again.

some sort of massacre !!

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  • Founder

@Kosti81 wel I spoke with @Prema and basically you can try using fpt to dump your system and see if you can re-write w/it. If you can, then you'd need someone's help by having them dump their system and you overwrite it on yours. Here's some instructions for lenovo systems (obviously don't use the lenovo files) that has instructions on how to use fpt: 






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