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Makes me miss my bike. But I'm crazy in the ride wheelies sense, not the traffic weaving sense. Lol havn't ridden since 2009 when I put my bike in a garage. Still sitting on stands. Sadly.

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Hehe I am quite the opposite, I try to avoid wheelies (a few power wheelies here and there though I can't avoid) and prefer the thrill of filtering through traffic :D not sure what's more dangerous LOL

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Man, do they even have traffic laws there? Lol Here in the US I wouldn't try it simply because everyone driver is starting at there phones sending tweets. Much less looking in a rear view mirror.

Looks like it really cuts down on your commute lol. I used to ride crazy, I remember riding along side an 18 Wheeler on the highway with my hand up on the side if the trailer. Lol

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

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yeah there are traffic laws and on top of that too many cops with motorcycles that are eager to chase you... LOL but they allow lane splitting and filtering traffic which saves us lots of time... and less cars on the road... The positive side of this is that drivers are quite aware of motorcycles and scooters and they don't change lanes without looking in the mirror and they usually leave enough space for us to pass. Though, still there are drivers who are plain stupid and stay in the middle of the lane... so what I usually do while I ride next to them, I close their mirror to make space (they don't use it anyways LOL)

Going to work with my car takes me one hour and a half, with the bike tops 20 minutes....

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