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N550JK modding vbios of GTX 850m


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On 4/19/2015 at 11:31 AM, suwidah said:

hala Ahmed .. I've no idea if u can dumb and flash ur whole bios .. and yes its the same GPU so it should work. but keep in mind that HP is poor at cooling so u should keep an eye on the thermal management or u will end up fried ur motherboard

its really simple u just need these tools :

-AFUwin64 to dumb ur bios and flash it later

-Mmtool to extract ur bios and edit it and replace it back

-maxwellbios tweaker: to manage ur clocks

hi i'm kinda new to this thing,can you pls make a video and show me the whole process step by step because i couldn't understand the whole process from just the comments,my laptop is also asus x550j and need to higher clock speeds but more importantly i need to undervolt the gpu so that will slight performance but more importantly run cooler because whenever i hit 80c the clocks go down to 405mhz which will automatically crash any game in mid game or even at the start,pls i need help,and pls reply back if you can send a video to my email,i can then confirm you're available and give you my email

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guys please help... I have asus x550jk laptop  I need to to underclock  my gtx850m mermory clock only to keep my laptop stable but i don't know what values to modify ...i modified memory clock in maxwell to 880 MHZ and flashed whole bios again but it dosesn't affect any thing it always shows 900 MHZ




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  • Bios Modder
2 hours ago, MahmoudFarag said:

guys please help... I have asus x550jk laptop  I need to to underclock  my gtx850m mermory clock only to keep my laptop stable but i don't know what values to modify ...i modified memory clock in maxwell to 880 MHZ and flashed whole bios again but it dosesn't affect any thing it always shows 900 MHZ





You can post here your file system bios, then I can take a look, what we can to do with it.

Edited by Klem
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