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Y500Y510p/... Want turbo boost without throttlestop? Come here!


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I am going to try something. Since I have no throttling with my i7 when I am playing games I am suspecting this is a tweak made by Lenovo in Windows.

I have manually set Performance Boost Mode to Enabled and then my turbo is working aggressively.

When I set that setting to Efficient Optimized my turbo would only work on 1-2 cores. If load is spread on more cores turbo would be disabled. That is what you guys have been experiencing.

But you can unlock this setting in the registry.

Setting this to Disabled would disable turbo boost entirely for that power plan.

Easy right :) ?

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If load is spread on more cores turbo would be disabled. That is what you guys have been experiencing.

Actually that's not the kind of throttling I experience on the Y500. Turbo Boost works fine across all cores if just the CPU is working, such as running Prime95, but if I do something that stresses both CPU and GPU simultaneously, such as a game or Prime95+FurMark, then Turbo Boost shuts off unless I force it with ThrottleStop. The kind of throttling you describe sounds like what happens on the Y510p, but it's not the same behavior that's on the Y500.

Also, if this is Windows Registry setting made by Lenovo to their factory image, then why do I get the same thing on my clean Windows 8 Pro installation?

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Well I have been looking into it. I have enabled core parking. Which allowed the system to run cooler. But not much. Using this I am able to achieve a higher turbo boost. Maybe 200mhz higher.

It looks like turbo boost is still present on clean Windows 8 image. I did notice this kind of throttling is not present with a i5 installed. With the i5 turbo boost would always work.

I dont know if people noticed the voltage reduction around 60-65c with stock vbios. I assume that is the part where the turbo boost is also turned off.

I remember I found it on my 3632qm few days ago but I did a reinstall and now it's not working anymore. I am still trying to figure out what it was

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Well I have been looking into it. I have enabled core parking. Which allowed the system to run cooler. But not much. Using this I am able to achieve a higher turbo boost. Maybe 200mhz higher.

It looks like turbo boost is still present on clean Windows 8 image. I did notice this kind of throttling is not present with a i5 installed. With the i5 turbo boost would always work.

I dont know if people noticed the voltage reduction around 60-65c with stock vbios. I assume that is the part where the turbo boost is also turned off.

I remember I found it on my 3632qm few days ago but I did a reinstall and now it's not working anymore. I am still trying to figure out what it was

I have experienced none of these things on my system and I did a lot of testing when I first got it. The throttling behavior as I described previously is the same on both the OEM image and the clean install and is not temperature-dependent. Core parking is not on by default on either. Since the entry-level i7-36XXQM are locked I don't see how you could get a 200 MHz higher Turbo Boost unless you mean 200 MHz higher than the highest non-Turbo speed.

The GPU voltage reduction is not temperature-dependent. Vcore drops by 25 mV on stock volts and 37 mV on over-volt a few moments after firing up a 3D game or benchmark and never goes higher than that for the duration. The highest observed Vcore actually seems to be sustained during non-3D tasks like watching YouTube videos.

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