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Problem overclocking

Loïc Marin

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Yeah, your problem is FurMark. Don't use it, it's that simple. :)

I don't see any point in ever running FurMark, it stresses the voltage supply circuits of the GPU beyond a usual level and can effectively harm your card. Nvidia started to implement automatic throttling when such apps are run.

Try to run a game or 3dm11 at those clocks and I'm pretty sure you'll be fine.

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I can't help you if you don't provide detailed information. Throttling during 06 can have several causes. You have a rather weak CPU, 06 is heavily CPU bound... also I have no idea about the temps of your system. If you want you can create some log files of the games or benchmarks where it throttles and we might be able to help. Throttlestop log file for the CPU and GPU-Z or Nvidia Inspector log for the GPU.

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