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Photoshop skillz needed.


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Hey guys whoever sees this, could you do a favour for me. I found this photo and I would like it altered so:

Replace the red with a sort of Golden Yellow,

Change the colour of the banner to a sort of light parchment colour,

Remove the text on the banner,

Make the two wolves slightly darker.

Add some sort of shade beneath the banner maybe? Thanks!


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Something like this?


Dunno about the shadow... the only way I could think of would be too much work for, hahaha.

Edit: Whoops, the tongues of the wolves are now golden as well... hahaha, well, let me know what you think and I might be able to correct this.

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what is this for? i can prolly turn this into a vectored files so can edit colors individually and add/remove text, but its alot of work.

Totally, that's why I only did a quick color replacement an parchment texture overlay ;)

Plus, I'm not really a photoshop pro, hahaha.

It seems as if the original pic is actually a vectored pic, so if you have the original file (@widezu69), it'd make things easier. Probably an Adobe Illustrator file.

Edited by svl7
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