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ASUS G751JL+PE4C+Echo Express TB adapter + GTX1070


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Before I would like to congratulate this community


Well i'm trying to put together a build that is described in the subject, but i have everything set up but the PC does not recognize the graphic, but the fans and LEDs works to summarize, i got a EVGA souce 500 W (20 and 4-pin) for pe4c plate and an 8-pin auxiliary graphical source and then have an express card connection to the thunderbolt adapter and a cable connection (thunderbolt) thunderbolt adapter for pC, please i need help.


What can I do?It will work my build?




Edited by Demon5hark
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6 minutes ago, Demon5hark said:

@Klem pls help me understand this situation, iam new in this kind of  subject


Unfortunately i can't help you in your problem, i don't have any expiriense with eGPU. Sorry.

Try ask Tech Inferno Fan

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First things to check : 


IS you Thunderbolt to Expresscard adapter being detected? 

Also from the picture i can see that the the CPU 4 Pin isnt plugged in, im not too sure if its necessary or not, but you might want to connect that as well and give it a shot. Make sure you connect it the right way and in the right place.

Also after installation, did the thunderbolt application ask you to approve the expresscard adapter? And did you cleanup the drivers with DDU and install new ones after that?


Another thing that might have been better is that , instead of doing ExpressCard + TB2 you could have just gone with a TB3 based solution and used that. Something like the  Akitio TB2 PCIe box. Would have been much cheaper and easier to setup.


Edited by bloodhawk
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22 hours ago, bloodhawk said:

First things to check : 


IS you Thunderbolt to Expresscard adapter being detected? 

Also from the picture i can see that the the CPU 4 Pin isnt plugged in, im not too sure if its necessary or not, but you might want to connect that as well and give it a shot. Make sure you connect it the right way and in the right place.

Also after installation, did the thunderbolt application ask you to approve the expresscard adapter? And did you cleanup the drivers with DDU and install new ones after that?


Another thing that might have been better is that , instead of doing ExpressCard + TB2 you could have just gone with a TB3 based solution and used that. Something like the  Akitio TB2 PCIe box. Would have been much cheaper and easier to setup.


@bloodhawk thanks for the help friend,
The PC recognizes the adapter thunderbolt with cable thunderbolt, the adapter comes with integrated drivers as soon as you connect to PC it recognizes the thunderbolt adapter, so when i connect the EGPU PE4C to the adapter TB, the (ASUS STRIX) + the font evga 500 w begin to function, so that the software thunderbolt not appear the information to say that there is something connected to the adapter, and when I go to the manager he only recognizes the DGPU. Do I have to install any additional drive?


And did you cleanup the drivers with DDU and install new ones after that?

YES twice



Another thing que might have been better is que, instead of doing ExpressCard + TB2 You could have just gone to TB3 based solution and used that. Something like the Akitio TB2 PCIe box. Would Have Been much cheaper and easier to setup.

For sure, I was afraid of not running the latest graphics cards


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Hmm, even if the Expresscard adapter is getting detected it should show up in the Thunderbolt devices list. 


Also You can run the latest cards with the TB2 Box as well. I have tested a GTX 1080 with their TB3 HDK - 


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