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Found 18 results

  1. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove witelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings, or unlocked vbios for overclock NVIDIA card, then you can post your request in this thread.
  2. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo G500 and G400 bios unlock. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. For prepare unlocked bios you should post your request here and then send me your file backup of bios via PM or upload it into any fileserver and send me the link. For creating backup of bios use attached utility. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run utility as Administrator (right click mouse, choice "Run as Administrator). Utility will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM or upload it into any fileserver and send me the link. https://www.sendspace.com/file/mxoavw or http://www120.zippyshare.com/v/NC9WuxRI/file.html
  3. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo G580 (20150) and (2189), G480, G780, N581, Y580, V580, G570, Z570, Z470, Z370. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. For prepare unlocked bios you should post your request here and then send me your file backup of bios via PM. For creating backup of bios use attached program. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator (right click mouse). Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM. https://www.sendspace.com/file/mxoavw or http://www120.zippyshare.com/v/NC9WuxRI/file.html
  4. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad T440p / T440s / T540p / E440 / E540 / S540 / W540. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, and sign unlocked bios with digital RSA signature (to avoid 5 beeps problem), then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating bios backup and to flash bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link.
  5. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad X240. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden advanced menus and settings in bios setup menu, or upgrade to new display (and don't lost a brightness control), then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating your personal bios dump and to flash your bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link. CH341A programmer: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2322090.m570.l1313&_nkw=USB+Programmer+Ch341&_sacat=0 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ch341a&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 SOIC8/SOP8 test clip: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Soic8-Sop8-Flash-Chip-Ic-Test-Clips-Socket-Adpter-Bios-24-25-93-Programmer/201414947737?hash=item2ee5443399:g:up8AAOSw1Fda8qkt https://www.amazon.ca/programming-EEPROM-Programmer-EZP2010-RT809H/dp/B075CGH1X1/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=SOIC8+clip&qid=1631766855&s=electronics&sr=1-18 How to use it: Also, you can search on YouTube a lot of guide for CH341a.
  6. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad L440. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating bios backup and to flash bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link. CH341A programmer: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2322090.m570.l1313&_nkw=USB+Programmer+Ch341&_sacat=0 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ch341a&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 SOIC8/SOP8 test clip: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Soic8-Sop8-Flash-Chip-Ic-Test-Clips-Socket-Adpter-Bios-24-25-93-Programmer/201414947737?hash=item2ee5443399:g:up8AAOSw1Fda8qkt https://www.amazon.ca/programming-EEPROM-Programmer-EZP2010-RT809H/dp/B075CGH1X1/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=SOIC8+clip&qid=1631766855&s=electronics&sr=1-18 How to use it: Also, you can search on YouTube a lot of guide for CH341a.
  7. Hello! Please can you help me to remove WiFi white list? -Model : Lenovo B590 -UEFI Bios Revision : H1ET69WW (v1.12) -UEFI Bios Date: 2012-11-15 -Embedded Controller Version: H1EC31WW (v1.11) -Machine Type Model: 62742BG -Bios backup link : BIOSBAKK_64.ROM Actually my problem happens while flashing a modded image, I got Error 104 - The 2 SPI flash devices do not have compatible command sets. "Screenshot": 2014-08-08 23.23.20.jpg Thanks a lot, regards.
  8. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad T450s, T460, T470, T480. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, or already upgraded Display and after that can't adjust screen brightness, then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating bios backup and to flash bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link. CH341A programmer: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2322090.m570.l1313&_nkw=USB+Programmer+Ch341&_sacat=0 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ch341a&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 SOIC8/SOP8 test clip: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Soic8-Sop8-Flash-Chip-Ic-Test-Clips-Socket-Adpter-Bios-24-25-93-Programmer/201414947737?hash=item2ee5443399:g:up8AAOSw1Fda8qkt https://www.amazon.ca/programming-EEPROM-Programmer-EZP2010-RT809H/dp/B075CGH1X1/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=SOIC8+clip&qid=1631766855&s=electronics&sr=1-18 How to use it: Also, you can search on YouTube a lot of guide for CH341a.
  9. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo G710. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. For prepare unlocked bios you should post your request here and then send me your file backup of bios via PM. For creating backup of bios use attached program. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator (right click mouse). Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM. https://www.sendspace.com/file/mxoavw or http://www120.zippyshare.com/v/NC9WuxRI/file.html
  10. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad X250, X260. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating your personal bios dump and to flash your bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link. CH341A programmer: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2322090.m570.l1313&_nkw=USB+Programmer+Ch341&_sacat=0 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ch341a&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 SOIC8/SOP8 test clip: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Soic8-Sop8-Flash-Chip-Ic-Test-Clips-Socket-Adpter-Bios-24-25-93-Programmer/201414947737?hash=item2ee5443399:g:up8AAOSw1Fda8qkt https://www.amazon.ca/programming-EEPROM-Programmer-EZP2010-RT809H/dp/B075CGH1X1/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=SOIC8+clip&qid=1631766855&s=electronics&sr=1-18 How to use it: Also, you can search on YouTube a lot of guide for CH341a. Note: Each bios mod prepare personally and based on your personal bios dump which contain your personal data like Serial numbers, UUID, Service TAG, MAC addresses, Windows keys, NVRAM settings, etc. For creating your personal bios dump and to flash bios mod, you need use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios (from your laptop) using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link.
  11. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo G780. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, in this case you can post your request in this thread. For prepare unlocked bios you can post your request in this thread, upload your file bios backup into any fileserver and post the download link. Or you can send me your file backup of bios via PM. For creating backup of bios use attached utility. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run Backup Utility as Administrator (right click mouse, choice "Run as Administrator"). Utility will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM. https://www.sendspace.com/file/mxoavw or http://www120.zippyshare.com/v/NC9WuxRI/file.html
  12. May i ask you to help me with Whitelist remove from my BIOS? i need to change my wifi card please-Lenovo B590-Model: 6274 board:20208-BIOS version: LENOVO-H5ET73WW(1.16) https://www.mediafire.com/file/3miwazzrlfomz4i/results.rar/file LENOVO-H5ET73WW(1.16) (mediafire.com) https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/ZcpN...KTmrS4AwZg
  13. Please help to remove WWAN whitelist from X270 BIOS https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RfSHx5s0RYHm12FPPTKE257ONRD4TpcX/view?usp=sharing https://www.mediafire.com/file/b7bzei942gz92uh/SPI_C22018_128Mbit.rar/file
  14. Hello, I've bought wwan card for my Lenovo thinkpad x280, but after installation I've got an error "1802 unauthorized network card is plugged system halted". How to remove whitelist. My original bios dump is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GvoHzAd2zlcPdJFieBmsQm97VwYGKDGG/view?usp=drivesdk Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi! Help me please Unlock hidden additional menus Remove whitelist thanks https://s4.dosya.tc/server14/t7mjme/lenovo_B590__LA58_MB_11273-1_48.4TE05.011.rar.html
  16. Hello, can someone help me to unlock advanced bios menu on yoga 2 13 notebook? i5, 4gb ram insydeH20 Rev 3.7 Bios Version 96CN31WW(V1.17) EC Version 96EC31WW(V1.17) how to make bios dump on this machine? im willing to donate for coffee or two Thanks
  17. As requested by @data2318 - Lenovo Z580 bios with wireless card check removed. Grab this tool, put the bios in the same folder and run the included .bat file to flash. As I don't have a Z580 myself I need someone to confirm that the wlan check is removed. Report back when you flash. Lenovo Z580 - no Wlan whitelist [TEST].zip
  18. I created a petition last night to protest the vendor lockin imposed by Lenovo. As many of us know all too well, they whitelist their miniPCI-e cards and impose this whitelist at the bios level. Please show your support, and let's see if and how Lenovo reacts, https://www.change.org/petitions/lenovo-release-an-unencumbered-version-of-the-bios
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