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Found 6 results

  1. Does anyone know if the T530 or T430 run a 1x Pci-e 3.0 link when an ExpressCard eGPU solution is used (like the PE4C V3.0 is used?) Or does it still run at 2.0 speeds? There should be 16x 3.0 lanes available on the CPU dies of Ivy Bridge mobile processors as they are just the desktop processors, but I am not sure if Lenovo wired the ExpressCard slot to this or the slower 2.0 lanes provided by the chipset.
  2. NOTE: This post has been updated to reflect the latest state of this implementation... Hello mates, I am delighted to share a bit of my new successful implementation... After fighting my way thru previous EGPU implementations using several Linux distributions. From Ubuntu Mate 14 & 15 to Linux Mate and Centos 5 and 6. I only documented one of them. I had to share this experience, mostly because I am amazed by what the community behind Ubuntu Mate 16.04 has achieved. So bear with me. System Specs Lenovo T430 Intel Core i5-3320m at 2.6 Ghz 8 GB DDR3L 12800 16 GB DDR3L 12800 Intel HD 4000 EGPU: Zotac GeForce GTX 750 1GB EVGA GeForce GTX 950 SC+ 2GB KFA2 GeForce GTX 970 OC Silent "Infin8 Black Edition" 4GB EXP GDC v8.3 Beast Express Card Seasonic 350 watts 80+ bronze Display: Internal LCD 1600x900 Dell UltraSharp 2007FP - 20.1" LCD Monitor Procedure: I prepared the hardware as usual. Feeding power to the Beast adapter using the PSU. Plugging these into the laptop's ExpressCard slot. The installation of Ubuntu Mate 16.04 used is only a couple of weeks old and is loaded only with a full stack of Python and web tools I need. For the integrated graphic card, stock open source drivers are used. For the EGPU... I was ready to perform the usual steps, disable nouveau drivers, reboot switch to run level 3, install the cuda drivers, etc. But.. Following the advice read on a Ubuntu/Nvidia forum, and very sceptical, I installed the most recent proprietary drivers for my card. Reboot. Boom! I am done. Even functionality previously not available in Linux is now available... As you can see from the last screenshot the drivers now report what processes are being executed on the GPU, that was something reserved previously to high-end GPUs like Teslas. That screenshot also shows the evidence of the computation being performed in the GPU while the display is rendered in my laptop's LCD. This screenshot also shows how the proprietary driver can now display the GPU temperature as well as other useful data. For those of you into CUDA computing, I can report CUDA toolkit 7.5 is now available in the Ubuntu repository and also installs and performs without any issue. I went from zero to training TensorFlow models using the GPU in 30 minutes or so. Amazing! I could expand this post if anyone needs more info, but it was very easy. Cheers! After upgrading the GPU two times, my system is now capable of handling Doom fairly easy. Now some benchmark results. RAM eGPU PCIe gen 3d Mark 11 3dm11 Graphics 8 GB GTX 750 2 P3 996 4 095 16 GB GTX 750 2 P3 994 4 094 16 GB GTX 950 1 P5 214 7 076 16 GB GTX 950 2 P5 249 7 709 16 GB GTX 970 1 P7 575 11 202 16 GB GTA 970 2 P8 176 12 946 Now, the difference between Gen 1 and Gen 2 might not seem relevant from the results in the table. But playing Doom there is a difference of around 15 fps on average between both modes. This brief difference is even more noticeable during intense fights.
  3. Hi all, First of all I would like to take a moment and write my history with this experience. Last year I had a Dell Precision M4500 (i7-720QM and nVidia Quadro FX880M) which it had to be my eGPU machine. But using FL Studio alot, the cpu didn't kept the pace so I had to make a change. My research got to my Thinkpad T430 because Ivy Bridge platform can get you up to 90% of peak performance of your eGPU solution. When I had my Dell M4500, I have ordered the EXP GDC V8 Expresscard solution at a pretty fair and decent price (Christmas sales) from Banggood. Shipping to Romania was quite long, almost 2 months. In the meantime bought from a local guy, a Dell DA-2 220W power adapter which I heard it is plug'n'play. After arrival, I found out that I don't have the PCI-E power adapter for the graphic card, in my case a Gigabyte Radeon 6850 OC 1GB. That's the only card I have so, I was aware that I might need a display monitor. After another months of searching, found out on Banggood the holy PCI-E adapter specialy for EXP GDC solution. To be assured , bought 2 cables (just in case ) because the shipping was 1 month and 2 weeks (long, I know!). Well, last night I was dying to fire it up, so I put my Panasonic TV ( don't have a display monitor, lame, I know...) and put all cables and adapters together, the expresscard in T430 and fire it. My specs : i7-3610QM, 16GB HyperX Impact CL9, 1600x900, Intel HD4000 iGPU, Windows 7 64bit. After Windows loaded, my Radeon 6850 was found in Device Manager but I got the famous "Code 12" error. The device cannot start because it does not have enough resources. After 5 minutes of google-ing I found my solution! Solution : Shutdown your T430, put the expresscard in the laptop and the most important thing, DISCONNECT the display monitor from the graphic card. Start you laptop and let Windows load. The magic will happen, your graphic card starts with no errors. After that, install the drivers from AMD website. I have installed the Crimson drivers. Connect the monitor to the graphic card and voila! , you have a fully working eGPU solution on your Thinkpad T430. Still didn't found a solution for the following issue. In device manager, I had the Radeon 6850 and Intel HD 4000. When I started my Steam or Origin games, the main GPU was Intel HD 4000. My quick solution was to disable from device manager, the Intel HD 4000 iGPU. Maybe someone found a solution to install AMD Enduro (Switchable graphics) like Nvidia Optimus? I will post later this day, some pics with my tests. So far I have tested Furmark and i got 35 FPS. Battlefield 3 on ultra setting at 1280x720 (the maximum resolution of my TV) runs flawess. GTA V needs more tweaking. My i7-3610QM cpu got maximum temp of 80 degrees C in games. Edit1 : Here are some pictures of my setup including the docking station (is the 170W version with USB 3.) http://imgur.com/a/DpV6t So, this is all about till now. Thanks for reading!
  4. Hello techinferno-team, I decided to finally register on the site and in this forums as I have read a lot about eGPU implementations and actually tried to accomplish one by my self. Those are my parts: Lenovo Thinkpad t430 with i5 3320M, 8GB DC RAM, 160GB SSD, Intel HD4000 EXP GDC BEAST, Expresscard bequiet! 450 Watt PSU Windows 10 64bit. So far, so good - but it just won't work. Everytime I boot my Laptop up with eGPU connected, it loads the Windows 10 screen with the blue logo on it. After app. 2 minutes a little circle spins around, suggesting the PC is loading the OS. I waited to hours, the screen remained the same. Then I tried booting Windows up, then instering the eGPU. That does not work either, as the card is not recognized. I tried putting laptop to sleep, plugging eGPU in, then waking it from sleep. It just turns off. I also tried powering the PSU of the eGPU on when the windows logo appears, but the card is not recognized and the fan of the GTX670 spins like crazy. First time this appeared I almost thought I bricked the card. Then I tried another thing: I used the egpu with my old Thinkpad t500 on windows 7. I plugged it in, booted up, installed drivers, done. It works. So the eGPU components should work fine., I I am absolutely at loss here. What can I do to get this thing working? I have read like every article about eGPUs on T430 and on Windows10... But it just won't work. I would very much appreciate your help in this case; furthermore I hope this is the right place to post this in. If not, I apologize - this is my first post. I am not a native speaker, so if you do not understand something in my text feel free to ask, I will do my best. Thank you so much! daku I tried every setting advised in the existing troubleshooting guides at least twice, none of them worked.
  5. Hello fellow Lenovo owners, I've started at tech thread over at the Lenovo forums, to ask them for a bios update to solve the TOLUD problem. Atm. i'm running the latest bios (2.59), and unfortunately my PCI bus memory adress says: DFA00000 - > TOLUD 3,5 GB = no room for eGPU with 4GB+ RAM. I've tried to override DSDT aswell (Windows 7, 64 bit), but it all turns out to BSOD's at boot. I've stumbled across another thread on lenovo forums, which gained the right attention for the Lenovo staff to update the bios's on the X230 and T230 models: http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/X-Series-ThinkPad-Laptops/X230-expresscard-adressing-eGPU/td-p/792909 Therefore I hope it will be possible, for the T430/T530/W530 owners to receive the same solution. But for that I need the Lenovo staffs attention, ad therefore, your help. head over to my thread at: T430 expresscard adressing (eGPU) - Lenovo Community and leave a comment, if you would like to see a solution in the future. Hopefully in the end, it will be something the bios tech guys pay attention to, in the future bios designs. Thanks in advance - Aatind (Denmark)
  6. Hello, T|I Forum I looked around on this forum for titles hitting anything similar to this situation, but didn't find anything similar myself. I am also sorry for this long post, I wanted to be sure to give as much info on the problem as possible to help answer this problem. Using Nando4's Awesome "DIY eGPU experiences [version 2.0]" guide, I was able to get my setup working very easily with my T420 on Windows 7 Pro. Pleased with how well things were running I decided to buy a used T430 when one passed by my work for refurbishment.<!-- google_ad_section_end --> At first things were still going well with the setup, I currently have these specs here: Computer: Lenovo T430 /w Intel HD Graphics 4000 (only) 512 GB SSD (Main Drive) less then 6 months old 500 GB HDD (Backup Drive) less then a year old 8 GB of RAM less then 6 months old Windows 8.1 eGPU: NVidia GeForce GTX 660 (Would also like to upgrade to the GTX 780 if this issue can be fixed) PE4H (PCIe passive adapter ver2.4) Mini to Mini EC2C The Issues: After many days (2) of testing and reading through different googled searched forums trying to pin point this issue (not an easy one IMA as the main solution was to "disable each driver one at a time to see it the problem stops" Which ended in a Win 8 Refresh.) I ended up narrowing it down to the eGPU, as without it the computer runs fine and smooth, can play music and videos without it skipping every few seconds, and even games on low settings (the best this laptop can do without an eGPU :/ ) ran smoothly without jittering all over the place. However when I attach the eGPU, anytime I open a new window, start watching videos, or play any games, the DPC reading would spike off the charts every few seconds then back to normal. This may seem small, but during this spike, all audio would cut out as well as display a noticeable jitter on anything being displayed real time. The tool I'm using to read the DPC levels is "DPC Latency Checker V1.3.0" and I was using "LatencyMon" but that would just flood me with more info than I know what to do with. Other (useful?) Notes: The system always seemed to do the jittering thing with the T420 as well, but I always pushed that as being just because the GPU was a bit outdated, and the small lag never bothered me as much as it does now on the T430. The T430 might of had an update to the BIOS too. I now have new options and features I didn't notice before yesterday, something I had to visit yesterday after my SSD refuse to boot and had to reinstall Windows 8.1 when the repair disk would say the SSD was locked, (maybe due to a BIOS setting I changed when telling it to optimize it for Windows 8). As of Now, I have a bear bone Win 8.1 including its updates as well, as well as the latest updates (that I know of) for the chipsets and GPUs. Also, before the BIOS change, I was never able to run the eGPU on the Express card setting "Automatic" which would allow for Gen 2 devices to connect. Now I can! or so it seems. I now also have no issue turning on the PC with the eGPU already connected and on the "Automatic" setting, where before It would just cause the PC to never boot into windows. Things I Would Also Like To Know: This coming PowerBall Numbers? How to set up my PE4H ver 2.4 to run 2.0 with my 2.0 GPU to my 2.0 Express Card Slot. What are the other Channels for? Why does sticking the mini HDMI cable into PCI x2 instead of PCI x1 not provide power "= to" Gen 2 speeds? What is the delay switch for? Why does this board have no instructions when sent to people... This I wounded from day one after receiving the device. Oh and last (for now) A good thick cable to connect the mini to mini for best data rate... (Does it work like normal HDMI where that can be an issue?)
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