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Found 4 results

  1. As per @coolane's request, I figured I'd make a separate thread for this modification. In the original thread (https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/265-benchmarks-the-official-thread/&page=34) coolane shows their heatsink modifications and results which I think were ingenious. Initially I didn't think it was possible to use the 980DT heatsink with the MSI 1070 without modification, though with coolane's post showed potential and I figured I may as well give it a try since there's no chance in hell or any other place that I would be able to do a 1070 SLI configuration. Thanks to coolane, they provided further detail into their mod and it was very straightforward enough for me to warrant an attempt. So, I ordered: 10pcs of 8.8mm x 8.8mm heatsinks 1 sheet of thermal transfer tape 400 - 3000 grit sandpaper and I am waiting for those parts to arrive to my location before I begin and I post when they do. EDIT: I may do some minor changes to their attempt like not adding additional heatsink pipes since i have no idea on how to even attach them so this will be a basic modification. EDIT2: Original content EDIT 3: I learned from @J95 and @Prema that the vbios mod used by coolane was stolen from Prema by some crappy Chinese hacker so this thread is specifically for the modding of the heatsink itself. EDIT 4: I ended up getting the following to complete the mod so far. 1. Stanley hacksaw - $10AUD 2. Sandpaper 80 grit and 180 grit emery (for soft metals like copper), 400 grit W&D, 800 grit W&D, and 1200 grit W&D - $10AUD approx (though i spent more ordering more from Amazon which won't be used now but good to have :p) 3. Protective gloves - $12AUD EDIT 5: Ordered some thermal adhesive to glue a bit of copper plate to cover the power phase chip. Sure, a mini-heatsink might do the job though it might be better if it was going through the heatpipes.
  2. Flu


    What is up. Emailed Sager about latest bios and they sent me one. Suppose to provide support for Kabby lake 7XXX series processors as well as optimization for crappy WIFI cards that aka (cough cough KILLER) le'ts not point fingers here XD. File is below. Gotta flash through USB... there are plenty tutorials out there how to do but here are instruction from the email I got. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Ud_l2en4O0MGw0WWJCaXFUS0E Rename the attached file to 9870BV08LS2.7z(Done it for you already) Unzip the 9870BV08LS2.7z to a USB flash drive. Restart Windows. When the screen turns black, keep tapping F7. Select enter setup on the boot menu. Pull down the exit menu in the CMOS setup. Launch EFI shell from filesystem device. The Startup.nsh will flash the BIOS. Note. Sager Computer does not take the responsibility if the computer does not work after you updated the system BIOS & firmware by yourself. ( Neither do I) Enjoy
  3. Hello Again, So I decided to ditch the 980m SLI Configuration and take my chances with the GTX 1070 from Eurocom. Currently, it is physically installed - but I am having issues getting the drivers installed. As of now the laptop boots into windows with generic video drivers. First, I would like to clear things up. From what I have gathered so far: GSync is not an option for the time being? I need to use a specific VBios and Bios, as well as specific drivers? Is this still the case today? I was getting my information here: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clevo-870dm-g-and-msi-gtx-1070.806987/ It looks like the person who successfully got this card to work used a programmer to load the Vbios. I just need some direction here if anyone can help. I dont see how eurocom can sell these cards specifically for p870dm-g. Looks like I am going to try giving them a call again. I have a feeling they have some firmware they don't have linked on their website.
  4. Hi all! Figured since there aren't many avenues out there as of yet that properly show how to dissect your phoenix, I'd try to take up the mantle with my own experience in upgrading the LCD panel from FHD 1080 to the 4K panel. Before we get started, I'd like to present a list a useful tools to have beforehand if you intend to pursue this endeavor. I'll be providing pictures of my own tools as well as links to various components you need for purchase if you intend to follow-suit: MOD EDIT: ATTENTION HUGE PICTURE LOAD AHEAD!
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