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Everything posted by Donz7733

  1. Hi Currently I am using Nvidia 376.44 version for SLI functionality. On trying to install any higher version , SLI wont function & only 1 card works. if anyone is using higher version Than the one mentioned above for SLI, please let me know Thank You
  2. I am planning to get this Charger (170w 20v 8.5a) - https://www.amazon.in/Lenovo-ThinkPad-4X20E50574-170W-AC/dp/B00MLTQ99Y & the Adapter - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32975526334.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.27cb747e6TEc28&algo_pvid=a7db42d0-97cb-4a37-be7a-d19c44bddf73&algo_expid=a7db42d0-97cb-4a37-be7a-d19c44bddf73-0&btsid=8d6ee0f9-08e9-4474-b63b-cc751403b4c7&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_60 Will this combination work to run Both GT755m of Y510p? Thanks
  3. Surprised to see this thread is currently active. Awesome work on the Adapters & all the best. I will be waiting too.
  4. I have a i5 4200m, planning to upgrade to 4710mq. It should work right? has the same socket but not listed in manual. Edit: I upgraded and it works fine.
  5. Thats it. You are good to go. Even I have a 4200m and single 755. Will try to upgrade it if I get them for low price.
  6. Thanks. Was searching this topic yesterday and flashed the Bios. Using Nvidia Inspector now.
  7. Even I want to undervolt Primary 755m. (Non SLI) Do I need to Flash Bios & Vbios provided? or just the Bios? Thanks
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