Hey guys,
first of all - great forum, nice to see people helping each other!
I try to make it short:
I think my clevo P651se (Schenker) is broken but I´m not sure...I must verify that - The reseller (Schenker) says Mainboard broke - I have to buy a new one or at least a new mainboard about 1000 € oO ..hits me hard.
As I can see in Afterburner, when my 970m hits the power target, it goes down to 135mhz and stucks there. It seems the card needs more power?!
I can´t believe that because sometimes I can play for about a half hour or longer. Temps are ok! (about 80 degree celcius)
I just want to play with this laptop or at least verify if its really broken or not So I thought I try an OC-Bios with a higher Powerlimit/ optimized Vbios.
this Forum is my last hope, everything else I tried (new windows, actually Vbios, windows settings etc.)
Of course I would donate a amount, thats not the problem :)!
If this is the wrong thread - pls forgive me, I´m new here.
Hope you can help me...Regards