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    Manchester UK
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    Computers / Laptops / TVs / Games / Guitar / Piano

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  1. Some of these external GPUs require connecting to the motherboard of the laptop. As they don't have the USB adapter because they are usually the cheaper ones. Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  2. Marvellous! Have you thought about using any mods? There are some pretty decent ones out right now. But I am not sure how stable they are. I tried a few but it crashed over and over on single player. Might make some mods myself in the future. I do like a good two handed sword! Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  3. What if you tricked the BIOS into thinking the card was a 980? Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  4. Definitely, I thought the guy I bought the laptop off said he had cleaned it... Didn't know he meant just the outside... Lmao! I am stoked at the results! It is like a new laptop. Time to try 4k out on the ue55ks7000 xD! Going to be mega! I should be playing tonight after work. Might clean out the Mrs laptop too as hers gets quite hot. Thanks for all your assistance with everything anyway it is much appreciated. Final note: was the server down last night on Conan? Couldn't connect. 7:30gmt Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  5. Drastic change... Couldn't believe what I saw when I opened the laptop fans... Mounds of dog hair... And a bristle from a brush. The thermal paste was rock solid and flaky all over the GPUs and CPU. Replaced it all. 70c max load on Conan!!! Ultra settings, 33-60fps. Maxed! Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  6. Yeah exactly my thoughts. Going to rethermal paste it tonight, give it a good clean out. See if it makes a blind bit of difference. Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  7. Alright man, It is thermal throttling, I get 92c on my first 980m, which then downclocks. I didnt detect it at first as when I alt tab the temperature drops. It is like the game spikes my GPU. Other games don't do this haha! Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  8. Not sure resetting CMOS will be the same as physically installing windows using the screen you want working on. Install using an external display then try the nvidia drivers. If you get the first driver version that supported 1070's not the latest and try that. See what happens? Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  9. Seems like it is still trying to output to your other screen, as if the old signal is still being sent with the new screen in. What did you use to mod the cable? Linux seems to bypass it is what I am understanding. I am going out on a limb here, but when you have formatted your laptop, was the new or old screen in? As you say you can't get an output so I am assuming you put the LG one back in just to get a picture?
  10. Anyone got any performance tips/settings for 980m 8gb SLI? Struggling to run this game on low/medium settings @ 1600x900 even. :/
  11. Wondering if it is indeed a BIOS issue, it not recognising the pascal GPU. Could you possibly compile a PM to me with your exact issues, what you have tried, what you are trying to do, I will review it over the next week and see if I can come up with some suggestions. I never let a computer problem defeat me. So it will annoy me if I don't fix it hahaha.
  12. You need to put it directly onto your motherboard. Look for a mini PCI slot. Similar to an M.2 sata port. Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  13. Would a PremaMod custom BIOS cause an HDCP error in general? As I don't seem to be able to get any output even though detected in nvidia control panel. @Darcoder have you ever used CRU monitor before? Wonder if you overclocked each monitor to be the same output it could make a difference? Or get a splitter that can bypass the signal? Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
  14. Hi all, This is my first time post on these forums, firstly it is great to be part of this forum, it seems very much up my alley, nice to meet you all. Now to my issue; I believe I am having an HDCP issue connecting my laptop to my Samsung UE55KS7000 4K TV, and after extensive troubleshooting I have come to the conclusion it might be the BIOS that was pre-installed on my second hand P377SM-A Clevo laptop I purchased recently. I am currently on the BIOS version listed on my post over at overclock.net. If you could kindly take a look at this post and let me know how to go back to the stock BIOS as I cannot find it anywhere. I spent a lot of money on this laptop, and the TV, and I cannot get output to the TV. It is detected in nvidia control panel, but there is zero output. Do you guys have any ideas? UPDATE: Hi all, I have figured it out. I managed to get the laptop to output to the TV by constantly switching between 4k/1080p/RGB/420/422/444 with the HDMI audio DISABLED. It seemed that as soon as I disabled sending the audio signal, and messed around with the settings, it just randomly output to the TV. I'd already gone ahead and purchased a £130 XA-HDCP from CYP. Got to send it back now. Haha. I hope this helps someone with the same issue. Feel free to contact me direct for any advice on this. I have done weeks of research.
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