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About myxcon

  • Birthday 10/21/1985

myxcon's Achievements

T|I Semi Advanced

T|I Semi Advanced (3/7)



  1. I have no absolutely no usb stick at hand. Besides the obvious risks (of system freezes, etc) is there any other reason why I couldn't use nvflash for windows to flash my 780m?
  2. Profiles are stored in the mouse therefore you can use it without the software installed after you set it up. Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Could someone check the ThrottleStop thread and try to help me out? I believe it's more of a throttling situation that I'm running into rather than a vbios one. Thanks
  4. What can I use besides 3dmark to test the card for throttling? And something besides furmark aswell, as I kinda fear it not to damage the card or something else in the laptop.
  5. I beg to differ. The more I oc/ov the lower my scores go. That's a big hella LOL.
  6. I'm giving up trying to OC the card. I have tried all vbioses I could find around here, with or without throttlestop, and no matter what I try I can hardly break 6.4k 3dm11. At stock clocks, the physics score is ~7.5k, gpu ~6.2k and combined score ~4.8k, without TS running. With TS running...the gpu score goes a tad lower. The more I oc or ov the gpu, the lower the scores go. I do believe there is some strange throttling going on but I cannot pinpoint exactly the issue. If someone is kind enough to walk through a troubleshooting session with me, I will be forever thankful.
  7. Yes. I mean for me it did (675m work in gt683dx).
  8. Here's a collection of logs ran at stock settings with throttlestop on, 920/1270 throttlestop on and 920/1270 throttlestop off. Bios as can be seen in the attachment. (from one of your postings in the atiflash thread). I don't understand the need to run throttlestop, as this was one of the reason I switched to this M6600 as I thought it could take the power hungry components (as opposed to my forger msi gt683). 9201270 ts off.zip 9201270 ts on.zip stock TS on.zip
  9. Gonna try just that. Be right back. LE: Trying several vbios version I found across the board. Apparently with 022 0.975v works best so far (no throttle or random downclocking). Trying my luck with 022 1050v I found in some other thread. With 017 version , different voltages, gpu-z would still report 0.975 max voltage. With 022 it's reporting 1.05v. I am thinking as long as temperatures are in range of 80-85 everything would be ok for the card? (max temps recorded in 3dm11 so far was 73 degrees anyway).
  10. That I could have done without asking around or even posting here, but I was hoping someone had a slight idea of what might happen rather than just do an operation that is both risky and maybe useless in my situation.
  11. The clocks do change, the issue is that I am getting absolutely no benefit in benchmarks/fps ingame. That screenshot is just to show the stock bios version. I'm not saying that I want to run it at max sliders, I am just trying to get to the bottom of why the OC has no effect on ingame fps. Thing is, If I run 3dm11 at stock clocks and everything I get roughly 6.3k points. With the slight OC to 900/1400 I should get a somewhat increase in scores, but that is not what happens. The scores either stay the same or can even go down. Same configuration on my former laptop and OC to 900/1400 I would reach in the vicinity of 6.9k.
  12. Offtopic : I can post now Ontopic : I'm running a dell 7970m pulled from an M18x in my current m6600. All if fine, the card was plug and play with no issue to date. However, the benchmark scores are a tad lower than expected. The more I oc the card (via profiles.xml) the lower the scores go. I have tried OV via xml trick also and no apparent improvement in scores. With my current setup I cannot break ~6.5k 3dm11. In my older msi gt683 with an exact same setup I could easily reach 7.1 7.2k 3dm11. I am running 017 bios version (as can be seen in screenshot) and running stock voltage of 0.975v. When ov-ing via xml to 1.05v I can take sliders in CCC to max and the card still be stable, but the damn scores in 3dm11 stay the same or even worse, go down a notch. I have ran furmark (at stock clocks and voltage) and there is absolutely no throttling. I have tried furmark also on my current setup 900/1400 @ 0.975v and no throttling. Would a bios flash help me out? And if yes, what version should I be looking for? Just to mention, in full load the cpu never goes past 91-92 degrees and after 2-3h of bf3 I have never seen the gpu go over 80 degrees. And a second mention, I get random reboots and system freezes (that I cannot explain at all) both at modified and stock clocks. - I try to think these are because of drivers.
  13. I am running 900/1400@1v perfectly stable. Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
  14. How do you know it is throttling?
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