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Everything posted by svl7

  1. Hmm, flash per fpt would be easy, the problem is that this is not possible in your case since the map of your flash chip is currently set up different, and we can't change that because it is locked down. I'll try to think of something else, but currently the only option I see for you to get an OEM BIOS on that board is replacing the bios chip. I think I still have some for the M15x here if you want to go this route.
  2. Ah, yeah, that won't work. I missed that this update only flashes the EC. Try running this command manually: phlash16 W6702M.A01 /B:bu.bin /bbl /c /s /o /exit
  3. I never had the possibility to test this, but I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work.
  4. svl7

    GTX 680m

    Dell sold 4GB and 2GB 680m, do you have a picture of the card? The 4GB card won't work with the 2GB vbios and vice versa, unless it gets heavily modified.
  5. Still interested in your original dump.
  6. Your bios is mapped differently. Did you try flashing this? ftp://ftp.dell.com/Browse_For_Drivers/Laptops/Alienware/Alienware%20M15x/BIOS/BIOS/BIOS/2009-10-26%20-%20R245579.iso
  7. Oh, very weird... I need more information. Please run fptw -i > info.txt and then post the file here.
  8. I'm not sure... it might also depend on what you do with matlab. Not everything is parallelizable, so that might be the reason why it can't make full use of your CPUs potential.
  9. When posting click on "go advanced" and then "manage attachments".
  10. Please run dir and then the command again, and then make a screenshot of the error. Thanks.
  11. Hahaha, quality Dell service, well, check my previous post for the backup stuff.
  12. Use the attached files for a backup. Run it from an admin command prompt: fptw -d m15x.bin -bios backup.zip
  13. X10 would be a beta BIOS. Can you send me a backup of that before you update? Also how did you try to update the BIOS? Per USB or CD?
  14. Well, what have you done in the first place to get this?
  15. No. I'm not talking about poking some MSRs, I'm talking about a hardware mod.
  16. I think something like this was discussed here a while ago, if I recall correctly it was @Khenglish who came up with this... generally the thought was that the chips get set up and locked down with efuses. Now if we had access to several cpus for testing and measuring it might be possible to figure out something regarding this. On a related not, I got a 940xm ES, a 920xm ES, 8x0qm, 720QM and 740QM here... should not kill them though, they're not all mine.
  17. Wait a second... so that's a common issue with the 8970m? I wasn't able to get a single additional MHz on the memory when I tested this card. Thought it was a dud...
  18. Click on "go advanced" when creating a post and then "manage attachments".
  19. Possibly, not sure which one will work best, but as you need to flash it anyway just make a dump of your current vbios so that I know which one doesn't seem to work well.
  20. There's nothing you can do with TS and a 740QM...
  21. Throttlestop all the way. That is if you have a 920XM or 940XM with an unlocked Multiplier. Else you could go with SetFSB but the developer really became an arrogant douchbag and anyways, you won't gain too much from overclocking the bus.
  22. Can you upload a copy of your current vbios? Use atiflash for dumping.
  23. Well, vbios can still be flashed. And with the latest bios and xtu you can do pretty much it seems. I can still unlock the bios but you would have to solder. Anyway, that's kinda off-topic, check the AW17 owners lounge for such discussion, thanks.
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