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Everything posted by Slovedon

  1. What will I likely need to use setup 1.3 for? I actually have it already, but I'm waiting on a part for my main machine that I have the E GPU for, so I haven't used it yet. Just trying to get any information that helps, while I keep searching
  2. I have a 2012 retina Macbook Pro with 650M, which I'm trying to get working with an Akitio Thunder2 enclosure. However, it has BIOS Windows 8.1 installed. You seem to imply that it is possible to use an E GPU on my system, but it just won't have plug and play functionality. That's fine with me, but how would I go about getting this combination to work? I'm sure I'm missing something, but I can't find much on getting an EGPU to work with a non-Iris 2012 rMBP without UEFI Windows8.
  3. Is it possible to run an external GPU on a Macbook Pro with dedicated graphics (650M) on Windows 8.1 in BIOS mode? I'm thinking about testing my Akitio Thunder2 + 970 on our rMBP, while I wait for my G46VW Thunderbolt mobo to arrive. Also to see how it performs on TB2 vs TB1.
  4. Despite what I thought would be a TB-enabled G46VW, I "won" the lottery and got the only rev 2.2 mobo without a TB chip In better news, the Zotac 970 fits very nicely into the Akitio! The back only had to be bent slightly to accommodate the cooler. And since I don't know if I'm patient enough to wait another 1-2 weeks to test this thing, I may try to get it running on our 2013 rMBP. Plus I could do some TB2 vs. TB1 testing or anything else if it would be helpful information. Problems: it is NOT the Iris pro graphics version (650M), it runs BIOS windows 8 instead of EFI, I never do anything technical on Mac systems, and this is my first eGPU implementation - so any advice or links to the most relevant guides for this situation would be much appreciated.
  5. @jacobsson I was so glad to see it fits! or at least mostly fits. The back of the Akitio is still bent out slightly to make room for the cooler, but it's amazing how small this card is. The actual card without the cooler is still over an inch inside the end of the case - the PCB is barely bigger than 670 mini. I can slide that setup back into the actual Akitio aluminum box, which would probably cause heating issues, but its very nice to be able to transport it like that for protection. I'll take some pictures once I get back, since I'm travelling at the moment. I may actually try to get this setup on our 2013 Macbook Pro and do some TB2 testing (and have something to use it on while I wait for that mobo), depending on if that's possible on the BIOS windows 8 I have installed. - - - Updated - - - Have you found good places to buy the Thunderbolt motherboard? Any stores besides AliExpress? (the only place I found it)
  6. Damn... it looks like my rev 2.2 mobo is an exception to the rule here, being the only one that doesn't have a Thunderbolt chip. This G46 was a refurb, so that must have something to do with it. (missing chip in the lower left) Now I just need to find one that does have TB. Hopefully somewhere has it in stock with fast shipping options to the U.S, because I've got this 970 setup ready to go!
  7. I just tested the Akitio on a Macbook (connected) and G46 with a TB display (failed), so it looks like the problem is on the laptop's end with Thunderbolt. I even double checked my mobo version and it is 2.2. It was just a simple plug and play for you with no issues and no required drivers?
  8. This worked and the Akitio connected. On the other hand, my laptop would not connect to the Thunderbolt display, so there is some issue on my laptop's end with Thunderbolt. I'm not sure where I'll go from here... the only thing I can think of is some sort of driver (or god forbid, hardware) issue with Thunderbolt, but I know others with the G46 had no problem with this. Then again, I've only seen the Thundertek enclosure used with this machine, so perhaps there's some sort of incompatibility there. Ideas on how to troubleshoot from here, anyone?
  9. It looks like my issues with not detecting my eGPU are either related to my Akitio enclosure or my Thunderbolt connection, since nothing is detected in device manager with just the Akitio plugged in (hotplugged at any stage, turned on in different orders, etc.). I'll be testing the laptop with a Thunderbolt display and the Akitio with a friends Macbook. I never use Macs, so what is the easiest way to test if the Akitio is working in OS X?
  10. No Thunderbolt or Akitio devices are in device manager after doing this, and the blue LED is off as before, so it must be an issue with the Akitio enclosure or my Thunderbolt port...?
  11. Yes, it blinks on for a split second and that's it. I haven't actually tested other TB devices on this, so that's definitely a possibility. I might take a trip to the Apple store to test a TB display. I did double-check the motherboard version and it is indeed the TB-enabled G46 version. - - - Updated - - - My EVGA 760 is 6+8
  12. Solid speculation, and informative, so thanks. Although it is in fact powered by 6+8 pins. Still waiting on my riser to arrive to test
  13. I have one on the way, but I was hoping to get this working without it, since others have been able to run a 780 Ti on this setup with no riser. This sounds like this most likely solution though. Anything else I might want to try in the meantime?
  14. Hotplugging doesn't seem to work for me at any point. I've tried disabling dGPU in setup 1.3, but can't get setup to recognize it either. (also, is the dGPU disable from setup supposed to persist past reboot?) I am not using UEFI 8.1 - - - Updated - - - No fans or anything from the 760. There are green and blue LEDs on the Akitio box, but I'm unsure what they are each for. Green seems to be the power indicator, and that stays on with power. The blue LED flashes on then off whenever I plug in the enclosure.
  15. I don't believe so. There are no UEFI options where they would normally be in the windows settings, and there is nothing in the BIOS menus about UEFI (even with a BIOS with hidden menus enabled). I must have missed that memo, if it's a requirement for E-GPU.
  16. I just got my Akitio Thunder2 and I'm trying to test it on my G46vw with Thunderbolt using a GTX 760 and Corsair CX750M power supply. Basically, the same setup as here except with a 760 instead of 780 Ti (and of course G46 instead of Mac Mini). Just as he does, I have the enclosure powered with it's PSU, and the GPU powered with the 6+8 pins from the ATX PSU. I'm on Windows 8.1, but cannot get it to recognize the card at all, after trying every possible order of plugging in, turning on PSUs, restarting etc. Should I have to do anything in the BIOS or drivers before you could get the device recognized in Windows? It sounds like I will need a powered riser, which I have on order, but entzoe was able to make a 780 Ti work without a riser. I'm probably missing something, since I'm new to all of this. Any thoughts on where I go from here?
  17. I just got my Akitio Thunder2 and I'm trying to test it on my G46vw (with TB motherboard 2.2) with a GTX 760 and Corsair CX750M power supply. Basically, the same setup as here except with a 760 instead of 780 Ti (and of course G46 instead of Mac Mini). Just as he does, I have the enclosure powered with it's PSU, and the GPU powered with the 6+8 pins from the ATX PSU. I'm on Windows 8.1, but cannot get it to recognize the card at all, after trying every possible order of plugging in, turning on PSUs, restarting etc. Did you have to do anything in the BIOS or drivers before you could get the device recognized in Windows?
  18. I just got my Akitio Thunder2 and I'm trying to test it on my G46vw (with TB motherboard 2.2) with a GTX 760 and Corsair CX750M power supply. Basically, the same setup as here except with a 760 instead of 780 Ti (and of course G46 instead of Mac Mini). Just as he does, I have the enclosure powered with it's PSU, and the GPU powered with the 6+8 pins from the ATX PSU. I'm on Windows 8.1, but cannot get it to recognize the card at all, after trying every possible order of plugging in, turning on PSUs, restarting etc. Did you have to do anything in the BIOS or drivers before you could get the device recognized in Windows? EDIT: Scratch that. After more testing, it is definitely the G46 being unable to connect to TB devices, despite having the rev 2.2 mobo. No idea what would cause this though...
  19. The U.S - - - Updated - - - Do you anticipate having to do any wire modding on that setup?
  20. Heads up future buyers! The Thunder2 can no longer be found for $225 (unless I'm missing something), since B&H just raised their price to match everyone at $269. I just talked to them and convinced them to sell to me at $239 since they only raised the price within the last week or so. Before I pull the trigger, I'm checking in with you all at T|I to see what else I would need to use with a GTX 970 on my G46VW on TB1. I'm reading through this whole thread and other relevant threads, but if anyone could give me rundown on what I will need to make this work, it would be very helpful while I read up. I (would soon) have... Akitio Thunder2 PCIe Expansion Box G46VW with Thunderbolt port GTX 970 (unsure which model yet, but likely 6+6 pin power, although possibly 6+8 or 8+8 if it would work with the Dell 220W DA2) Dell DA-2 220W PSU (what do I need to mod this? Is it significantly simpler to just go ATX?) (Powered riser?) Any thoughts on how best to make this setup work, and advice on these parts or other parts I might need, would be greatly appreciated
  21. I'm waiting to hear the official pricing/specs on the GTX 960/970 before I decide, and I'm still not sure how much I want to drop on a GPU, but it will definitely be something that can run off of the DA-2. So, most likely a 960, 970, or 680. I want this setup to be as portable as it can reasonably be, so I'm avoiding an ATX solution.
  22. Thanks for the explanation! Although it looks like I'll be going with the Akitio Thunder2, since that seems to be the new best bang for your buck solution ATM. Do you know what I would have to change on the setup (for power, or anything else) to use the Akitio?
  23. I'm in this same situation at the moment. I'm curious about why you chose the N140HGE-EAA over the B140HTN01.2. I'm about to pull the trigger on that 1080p B140HTN01.2 because I got unlucky with a very low quality panel on mine. Is there any important info I need to know (if you even remember from your search back in May) about the B140HTN01.2?
  24. What are your thoughts on using a Akitio Thunder2 instead of the Thundertek? Is there any reason to go with the Thundertek PCB over an Akitio Thunder2, besides the very minor price difference? It'd be nice to have TB2 ready for future upgrades.
  25. I'm working towards nearly the exact same setup as you (including a 3d printed enclosure), so this post has been very helpful. What would you use in place of your power routing/GPU stand set-up that you gutted from your EXP GDC V6? Also, is there any reason to go with the Thundertek PCB over an Akitio Thunder2, besides the very minor price difference? It'd be nice to have TB2 ready for future upgrades.
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