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Possible to Fake an External Display?


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I stumbled on the idea of building an eGPU a few months ago. Until recently, I started to deeply research the idea in an attempt to find out how I can play modern games on native retina resolution. 


The only problem is that I have a MacBook Pro 15" (mid 2015) with a dedicated GPU. I have no interest in gaming on an external display as this would reduce portability for me. 


So I'm wondering if it's possible to fake an external GPU and mirror the display on my internal. There has been some success in the past with a DVI dummy on Windows 7. It only worked with borderless and mirror mode, but that would be fine with me if the performance remained the same as full screen mode. 


Before shelling out $500+ on everything required, I would like to know if anyone has been successful with faking an external display. 


Also, would performance take enough of a hit to make retina gaming unplayable? I would probably be using a GTX 970 on Win 10, Win 8.1 if required. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)



Edited by MacGamer
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