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Screen Distortion.

Emery Pearson

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I was having overheating issues, so decided to use Dell support rather than crack open my laptop myself, they told me they would swap out my fans and heatsinks and unclog any vents for me at my own house for free. Sounded like a good deal so I took it, but they tech they sent initially started up on battery, and my GPUs were turned off, so he never actually tested them before leaving. And now, after turning my 280Ms, there is a green grainy distortion on my screen that isn't there when I use my on board graphics. So not only did he not check to see if the overheating was solved, he took off without even seeing if my GPUs worked.

On a side note, if I use my TV as my second monitor, even with my laptop monitor shut off, it lacks the distortion that my laptop monitor has.

Dell said they would get back to me on Friday, was hoping someone had an idea what was the issue. I figure it can't be the monitor because it works fine with the 9400, and I am maybe thinking it can't be the GPU which is associated with my HDMI port because my TV doesn't become distorted.

Edit: Forgot to mention the motherboard was replaced as well, due to faulty USB ports. The only modifications to the BIOS were to enable RAID and disable PCIE Gen-2

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Yeah it sounds like a faulty GPU, ask them to send you a new one for start and this time when the tech guy comes ask him to run a furmark and test it properly before he leaves. You can't have your laptop opened every time because he is in a hurry to leave...

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