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The basic eGPU hardware guide (for Macs)


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3 hours ago, MultiU said:

1/ Is the any real issue if I use them both at the same time? I have had it successfully run with the two Molex attached to the barrel plug only.

2/ My purpose is to use it as  CUDA machine in OSX as well as Windows but most of the time in OSX. I got the eGPU detected using Goalque v 0.9.9 script when it was connected to the Thunderbolt but i did not have any output out of the GPU. I only managed to get it going when hot plugging it in at efi boot screen  causing it to Kernel Panic and restarting but when it restarted the connected Monitor to the GPU actually started and worked. Is this a bad thing to do? I feel slightly weird having to have a Kernel Panic.

3/ When the monitor falls asleep it gave a Kernel Panic, can this be avoided?

3/ Is there any other bits of information I am missing that might help me have a smoother experience or thread I can read. I have read most threads completely but there are a lot of new and old information mixed in and not  a lot of information regarding my build, I saw that you stated you were using the 980Ti

4/ Can the eGPU output only to the internal screen without a monitor attached so I can speed up my CUDA without connecting the Monitor. As of now when the monitor is connected it only shows the external monitor as 800x600 and I havent been able to find out how to change that to 1080



1/ should be fine, but you can break it down to just one of the two (barrel or powered riser)

2/ OSX should boot fine with an eGPU, did you do a reboot after the script? Check the monitor settings in OSX and try using an external display.

3/4 better ask in goalques thread :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, this is a great informative post, which has helped to convince me to have a go at putting together an eGPU for my MacbookPro,9,1 (mid 2012 • i7 2.7ghz • 8gb ram). I will use an external 40" tv screen to play games via Bootcamp / Windows 10 (Pro). I was brought to this forum via a Youtube video by @Dschijn.


I have purchased an Akitio Thunder2 and have decided on adding a Zotac GeForce GTX 1060 Mini, as it should fit inside the case and it has good reviews, relatively low power consumption (power consumption 120W / 1 x 6-pin plug socket) and judging by these forums a Dell DA-2 brick (220W) should provide enough power to run correctly by splitting the power between the gpu and Akitio box through two 6-pin plugs.

I have ordered a barrel plug: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0118JT7IW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 but am unsure which power cable(s) to purchase - although I understand I would need an 8-pin (for the Dell psu) split to a 6-pin plug for the gpu and the other to the barrel plug (2.5mm by 5.5mm) to power the Akitio box. I did try emailing "[email protected]" several days ago but no reply. Is there anyone else selling pre-assembled cable mods similar to this or would I need to buy and combine a few cables etc?


Any advice at all would be great! (Please also let me know if my planning is totally wrong) Thanks. 

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Hi, I would recomend to use these parts:


for soldering: http://www.voelkner.de/products/654076/BKL-Electronic-Niedervolt-Anschlusskabel-Niedervolt-Stecker-offenes-Ende-5.5-mm-2.5-mm-2-m-1-St.html?WT.mc_id=affilinet&ref=39&products_model=V654211&utm_source=affilinet&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=V654211&affmt=2&affmn=6


if you can't or don't want to solder use the one with the screw terminals you linked.


My current approach would be to get a 8-pin PCIe extension and solder the 7th pin remote pin to a ground cable.

Use a 6-pin PCIe splitter to get two 6-pins out of the 6 useable pins of the 8-pin extension (6-pin to 2x6-pin splitter if possible).


If you want to close the GPU in the AKiTiO without cutting the top, you will need a angled 6-pin. Only available in the US:



If you need help making a cable, I could solder you one. Already made a lot of AKiTiO cables.

But I strongly recommend to get the angled 6-pin from the US or use a regular one and cut the case!

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I have 2015 Macbook pro.

Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM, 128 ssd, macOS Sierra 10.12.1
Bootcamp Windows 10 on external USB hd with EFI boot


In January 2017 I intend to buy Akitio Thunder 2 for the assembly of my egpu ...

I think of using RX 480 8gb but I am in doubt on which brand to buy ...


What is the most compatible card with egpu?












Which one should I buy?



Is this source enough to power egpu and board?

Atx Seventeam St-500pat 500w Reais - 80plus Bronze






How do you power the thunder2 akitio and video card?

Just connect directly to the atx source?


Can I have problems running Windows 10 via Efi Boot with an external USB hd?


The macbook warms up in egpu usage on heavy games ?




Edited by DJMatrix-HU3
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  • 1 month later...

hi can you please help me out on a mid 2012 macbook retina.


bought all the parts gtx1070, da-2  akitio but question is since I have a mid 2012 do i have to use the adapter and resistor trick to use the internal display!???


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Would anyone be interested in buying my bent Akitio enclosure and the molex adapter that I made? I made this build thinking I had a thunderbolt port, turns out I don't. Both components work (green light turns on Akitio) and I used a voltmeter to check the correct voltage. Please PM if you are interested and/or live in the NYC area.

@Dschijn know someone who could be interested? 

Edited by jaded
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  • 1 year later...

I found this cable online and it worked flawlessly. The first one I bought from AntronST was shaby at best. I got this new one because it is made professionally and just looks great. There are 12-pins on this one, the first 8-Pins are wired for my Dell DA-2 Power supply though. You may be able to get it wired for another supply to the extra pins. I am not sure myself. Oh, I got it from an online store called KAREON KABLES

Akitio Thunder2.JPG

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