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  1. Apologies, I meant to say cut off the 6-Pin end, not the two Molex heads. "You will have to cut off the 6-Pin. After that you will have 2x Molex plugs with wires (black and yellow)."
  2. Ah, understand now, I thought that cable was coming with the PSU. Final (Final) List: - AkiTiO - Galax GPU - PCIe 6 Pin - 2 Molex (Cut off both Molex heads, both yellow go in inverse positive, both blacks go in inverse negative) - 90 Degree Cable (Top of GPU, then wrap the remaining around the bottom of the case then connects to PSU outside of the back of AkiTiO case) - Starter Bridge Adaptor (PSU Paper Clip replacement) - PSU Man, I don't know how I can thank you Dschijn. I'll give you guys an update on how it goes after I order all the parts and set it up. Links for all products: AkiTiO - Akitio Thunder2 PCIe Box Galax GPU - http://galaxstore.net/GALAX-NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-970-OC-4GB_p_32.html PCIe 6 Pin - 2 Molex - http://www.amazon.com/HDE-PCI-Express-Pin-Molex/dp/B002CZANA8 90 Degree Cable - http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-6-Pin-to-6-Pin-PCI-E-90-Degree-right-extension-w-low-profile4-USA-MADE-/261225911899?hash=item3cd247165b:m:mxGogGSSsz95lLh97DTDU0A&afsrc=1&rmvSB=true Starter Bridge Adaptor - 24-Pin ATX/EPS PSU JUMP STARTER BRIDGE, RUN YOUR POWER SUPPLY WITHOUT MOTHERBOARD/ MADE IN USA, GREAT FOR BTC RIG'S! PSU - EVGA 500 W1 80+, 500W Continuous Power, 3 Year Warranty Power Supply 100-W1-0500-KR
  3. Ah, my mistake, I kept thinking that was the Molex to Barrel Adapter. Would this cable work? http://www.amazon.com/HDE-PCI-Express-Pin-Molex/dp/B002CZANA8 Where would this fit at now, or was it in the overview that I posted with the ASUS card?
  4. Yup, starting to understand now. Was i correct in stating where the 90 degree would go, and how the other part would flow under the card and be connected to the PSU Molex by removing the grill on the back of the case? Also, can you verify that the cable needed comes with the PSU i posted (Not the 90 degree cable, the 6-Pin, believe it is). Final checklist: - AkiTiO - Galax GPU - Molex to Barrel Adapter - 90 degree cable - Starter Bridge Adaptor (For Pin trick) - PSU (Linked above) Thanks, finally feel comfortable.
  5. I had it open in a tab, hope that helps. Edit: I copied/pasted it in a reply, but it was removed.
  6. I don't understand how the 90 degree 6-Pin fits into this equation. Where would I plug it in at on the GPU, and where would I put the other end at? I guess the 90 degree angle part connects the GPU at the top, where shown at in diagram, and then loops around bottom of the case to connect to the PSU Molex cable (After removing back grill of to case fit cable). Also, does this PSU (linked above as New PSU, some reason when I paste link it shows a newer but it's not correct one) come with the 6-Pin PCIe Express to Dual 6-Pin and/or a 8-Pin PCIe Express 2.0 Cable (Or is it just called the PCIe cable). Thanks.
  7. Here's the new list: - AkiTiO - Galax GPU - New PSU: http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Continuous-Warranty-Supply-100-W1-0500-KR/dp/B00H33SFJU/ref=pd_bxgy_147_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1H4397N7ZFWWKDGHB1D0 - The starter bridge: http://www.amazon.com/24-Pin-STARTER-BRIDGE-WITHOUT-MOTHERBOARD/dp/B00K38IKRY - The molex -> barrel plug: http://www.amazon.com/Link-Depot-Express-Adapter-Inches/dp/B000JWTIKC/ref=sr_1_6?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1453127843&sr=1-6&keywords=6-pin+pcie+molex - 90 degree low profile 6-pin PCIe extension: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-6-Pin-to-6-Pin-PCI-E-90-Degree-right-extension-w-low-profile4-USA-MADE-/261225911899?hash=item3cd247165b:m:mxGogGSSsz95lLh97DTDU0A Unless I'm not understanding the 90 degree extension correctly, how would I power the GPU with the case , closed? As in, how would my molex cable from the PSU connect to the extension inside the case? I looked at your recent setup, and would it be that red cable you have coming out the back of your case, but that looks like it's plugged into the barrel hole on the AkiTiO? Man, i feel like such a noob, thanks for everything again.
  8. Has your Galax card ever given you an issue? I really like the idea of the small card in the case, and actually having a case. What do you think of this Molex to Barrel adapter? (http://m.ebay.com/sch/i.html?isRefine=true&_odkw=5.5X2.5mm+DC+Power+plug+Terminals+Connector+Adapter+Power&_from=R40%7CR40&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.X5.5X2.5mm+DC+Power+plug+Terminals+Connector+Adapter+Power+-female.TRS0&_nkw=5.5X2.5mm+DC+Power+plug+Terminals+Connector+Adapter+Power+-female&_sacat=0&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.X5.5X2.5mm%20DC%20Power%20plug%20Terminals%20Connector%20Adapter%20Power%20-female.TRS0&_mwBanner=1) Would I just separate the wires from one of the molex plugs with a PSU and arrange the yellow in positive with the black in negative in the adapter, then plug it into the AkiTiO Case? How would I power the GPU then, if the caseis closed, since wouldn't I need Molex cables directly to the GPU to give it the remaining power it needs, since the AkiTiO can't supply enough, or would the PSU Molex -> Barrel fix that when plugging into the back of the case? - Galax GTX 970 (http://galaxstore.net/GALAX-NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-970-OC-4GB_p_32.html) - AkiTiO Thunder 2 - Molex -> Barrel Plug adapter (If verified will work) - How about this PSU: http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Continuous-Warranty-Supply-100-W1-0500-KR/dp/B00H33SFJU/ref=pd_bxgy_147_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0C67G8XZN7T7B221JN0E - Can't think of anything else. Thanks man, grateful for the time your taking to help me out with this. Sorry for so many questions.
  9. Dschijn, thanks for all the help thus far. Since I prefer EVGA cards, I'm most likely going along with an EVGA GTX 970 over the Galax. I'm going to take the chance with a powered riser, and see if that works out. If it fails, I plan to mod the AkiTio case so that the EVGA can fit. Heres what I'll get: - EVGA GTX 970 - AkiTiO Thunder2 - Powered 16x Riser with Molex. - PSU *What PSU would you recommend? I'm not entirely comfortable with soldering, since I don't want to mess anything up. Really appreciate your quick replies and help. Thanks. Edit: In this few minutes I've already become unsure of which way to go. I found a thread with how to make a mild to barrel plug, and there are adapters that I can buy (which I'm assuming would be just what I need), and if that adapter just goes PSU molex to the adapter, then adapter (barrel plug) to Akitio, with a card sitting on the PCIe, then that sounds simple and not hard at all. Would these types of adapters work? http://m.ebay.com/sch/i.html?isRefine=true&_odkw=5.5X2.5mm+DC+Power+plug+Terminals+Connector+Adapter+Power&_from=R40%7CR40&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.X5.5X2.5mm+DC+Power+plug+Terminals+Connector+Adapter+Power+-female.TRS0&_nkw=5.5X2.5mm+DC+Power+plug+Terminals+Connector+Adapter+Power+-female&_sacat=0&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.X5.5X2.5mm%20DC%20Power%20plug%20Terminals%20Connector%20Adapter%20Power%20-female.TRS0&_mwBanner=1
  10. Really nice modding. After setting your gpu on the PCIe board, did you solder anything between the two? Or is the soldering just done when you made the PSU to barrel plug modification. Again, thanks.
  11. Are there any differences between the Galax and EVGA cards besides just length? Of course I'll guess cooling, but modding the case could fix that. Do you have a post I can check out to see your build and how you setup everything? Also, if I go the small card route, I'll have to modify the Molex to the barrel and that'll be my only power source. PSU modified to barrel plugged in to Akitio. Thanks, really appreciate it.
  12. I would have gotten a riser cable since the EVGA GTX 970 wouldn't fit in the case. I hadn't realized this post got submitted since I'm in pre-registered mode. Would you recommend getting a smaller card to fit in the case? *Edit Something like this where he uses the riser, and mentions that using a small card can sometimes cause a burning on the cables inside the AkiTiO case.
  13. If i plan on getting the AkiTiO Thunder2 Box, and a GTX 970, would it be smart to get a smaller version such as the Galax, or a bigger one such as a EVGA. Are there any differences between the two cards, having one smaller/bigger? Also, if I go with the Galax, and since it'll fit in the Thunder2, would I need to solder anything to make the Galax fit in the Thunder2 while being operational? Lastly, if I get the EVGA, I know I'll need a riser, would I need to solder anything if I go along with using the Riser to connect the PCIe card to the GPU, and having the PSU power the GPU with the Riser transporting power to the PCIe, and leaving the AkiTiO's PSU unplugged and not in use? Any recommendations on a PSU by any chance? Thanks guys, appreciate it.
  14. How's it going. Recently, I've been looking into eGPUs for my rMBP 13". (Early 2015, 13", 2.7 i5, 8gb, Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1.5Gb) I started looking at the Bizon Box 2, but found the threat where it's overpriced and the AKiTiO Thunder2 PCIe Box is better. I'm looking into getting an EVGA GTX 970 SC ACX 2.0. I've been looking at videos and setups on using the AKiTiO Box, but I still have some remaining questions. Sorry if they've been answered somewhere already. Here's what I plan on getting: - AKiTiO Thunder 2 PCIe Box (About $220) - EVGA GTX 970 SC ACX 2.0 (About $350) - PCIE 16x to 16x Cable (Link: http://www.amazon.com/PCIE-Powered-Flexible-Extender-Bitcoin/dp/B00GUKRX6S/ref=pd_bxgy_147_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0XV9YYBVV8T225GQT3JR) (About $7) * Can someone verify that this will work. Thanks. - PSU (Not sure which to get, new to this.) - Not sure if there's anything else I will need. (Guessing that the cables needed will come with GPU/PSU) Here's a blog that I found when looking, I'd like something similar, as you can tell from my parts. Link: https://odd-one-out.serek.eu/thunderbolt-2-egpu-setup-using-akitio-thunder2/ Now my questions are: - From the blog-post, and going by his setup, will I have to solder anything? (I'm guessing not since people usually solder their eGPUs when making them fit in cases) - Would I need to make any adapters to get the PSU to work with the Graphics Card? - Paper Clip trick - I'm just going to search it. - Should i disable the fan inside the AKiTiO Case or just leave it on? - If I get a monitor s to use, can I connect to the GPU by the HDMI port on it, or would I connect using thunderbolt to my MBP, then HDMI to the Monitor? I appreciate all the help, and sorry if anything was already posted and answered.
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