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Site Affiliates?


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I was wondering if you guys do site affiliates. I just started up a website called techndeals.net - just a handful of members right now but I was wondering if you guys are doing any affiliates ;p

I am not just asking T|I but anyone who has their own forums :)

A little about my forums:

Site Name: Tech-N-Deals

Site URL: http://techndeals.net/forums/portal.php

Description: At Tech-N-Deals you can find the latest and hottest deals! We also offer tech discussions and game discussions. We also do forum affiliates as well as YouTube affiliates via Sub4Sub / Box4Box / Friend4Friend / Like4Like / Comment4Comment - Our Community is still new so we will need all the help we can get to help it grow and mature.

What we offer:

-Full functioning Forum Cash System that you can use to trade and buy in-game items. You can buy or trade Forum Cash for in-game currency from World of Warcraft, Rift, Diablo and many other MMOs / Games.

-iTrader eBay-like feedback system (soon to come) - This feedback system is for our trading marketplace where you can trade your favorite CD-Keys and Games.

-Mini-Chat Box - you can chat with your friends and other community members on the forum index!

With Forum Cash you can trade and buy things from other members. You can use Forum Cash for the Following:

-Buy YouTube Sub4Sub / Box4Box / Friend4Friend / Like4Like / Comment4Comment

-Buy or Trade In-Game Currency or Items from games such as World of Warcraft, Rift, Guild Wars, Diablo 2 or any other of your favorite MMOs/Games

-Buy or Trade CD-Keys in our Trading Forums

-Betting Forums - Here you can use your Forum Cash to bet against other forum members on your favorite sports team.

-In the future you can also spend your forum cash to advertise your website or forums in our dedicated forums for advertisements!

There are many other functions that you can do with Forum Cash. Located in points.php you can store your Forum Cash in TND Bank to earn interests. You can buy Lottery Tickets to win more Forum Cash. Or you even try Robbing other people for Forum Cash, but be aware that you can lose a lot if you fail to!

P.S I am looking for moderators to manage the forums. Head over to the site if you are interested

Come and sign up on our forums today!

Your Name on the Board: Tom

Tech-N-Deals - Hot Deals | Great Tech | Latest Games | YouTube Sub4Sub | In-Game Trading | CD-Keys / Gamecards Trading

Edited by ragingazn628
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Affiliates are a great way to get the word out and help with recruitment especially for smaller forums

I Moderate on thessdreviewForums , and we are fairly flexible on our signature rules ,and we have an affiliates news tab that we link to affiliates selected articles ,unlike some of the bigger more commercial forums

We are fairly specialized have members/contributers from quite a few other forums

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Affiliates are a great way to get the word out and help with recruitment especially for smaller forums

I Moderate on thessdreviewForums , and we are fairly flexible on our signature rules ,and we have an affiliates news tab that we link to affiliates selected articles ,unlike some of the bigger more commercial forums

We are fairly specialized have members/contributers from quite a few other forums

Yup I agee. How do you advertise your affiliates?

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We don't have an affiliate policy in place yet but that's something we plan to look into and see if we can setup an affiliate network with some other small sites. With link trackbacks built into vb and wordpress, this makes it a fairly painless process. We may also opt to add a tab to our forum for affiliates as long as its reciprocated and there is no conflict of interest (e.g. both sites competing for the same user base).

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