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Looking for unlocked GTX 770 (GK104) Bios


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Hi guys, I have been looking all over for a way to raise the voltage of my MSI GTX 770 gaming edition. I have tried everything from MSI after burner beta to kgb and more but none seem to be able to get me more then +12mv. Even after modifying the cfg files of afterburner I still cant seem to get more then the 12mv it gives by default. So I figured an unlocked GTX 770 (GK104) bios would work so that I can crank up the volts and see what this baby can do. If you can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3 years later...

Sorry to tell you but most (not all.. but most) GTX 7xx series cards are hard voltage locked and can not be raised either via custom bios or software beyond a certain point.


Some video cards like Asus cards, and the EVGA 780 Ti Kingpin edition shipped with unlocked bios's for overclocking.


But About 99% of the mid-range 770 cards are all volt locked.


Even if you do manage to some how raise voltage.. you will still only see 1.212v in gpu-z. The only way to know if the voltage really increased is through monitoring it on the card with a volt meter.. and the sure fire way to raise voltage is of course to "hard mod" it with soldering things to the PCB and changing it yourself directly... there's guides out there.. search for something like "GTX 770 volt mod" in google (without quotes).

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