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Lenovo Y50-70 cooling mod


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I saw there was a whole forum for modding the bios of older Lenovo y50-70s on this website which is how i found this website. I thought it would be helpful If i shared my findings on here on how to cool this laptop further.


I've made several modifications to the cooling since its been the biggest issue for me. I first started out by laying a 3mm thick silicone thermal pad to several areas to the eat sink to come in contact with the back case so that my cooling pad and fans can take away more heat. One side note is that it can't be 3mm the whole way down especially closer to the area where the fan is located because it is to close to the case. This helped the most by cooling it down by a whole 20-25 C! Second modification I made was removing the mesh covering the fan intake. Yes dust will actually be able to get in now and I'll will have to clean it more often but that is the price to pay for more performance. This helped by 15 C and was able to keep me below 70C for intensive games and 60C for most other games. 


I'm sure this can be applied to other gaming laptops struggling with removing heat. Thanks for reading hopefully someone finds this helpful



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