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Nvidia Quadro K3100 in HP 8770w (not working)

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I purchased a new HP Quadro K3100m from Ebay. 

The HP 8770w laptop I had is running with quadcore 3rd gen i7 processor and AMD Firepro M4000 graphics; with dual boot windows 10 and windows 7.

I also bought a new heat sink, and thermal paste (Coolermaster) and thermal pads (GC Extreme) to use with the K3100.


With the card installed, the laptop screen was blank but display was supported through the DP port, i checked it.

Used Nvflash (dos version) to create a backup of the existing vbios. 

Then, flashed a dell vbios for k3100m with nvflash dos version,  (using command:- nvflash -6 name.rom) and restarted. The display was only present in the laptop screen nos (not in DP port anymore); logged into windows 10, then installed Nvidia driver from the nvidia site - Optimal driver for enterprise for K3100m, installed it and re-started the machine. I got multiple flickering desktops (9-12) in the laptop screen.


I restarted with windows 7, and removed amd driver and installed nvidia driver, got similar screen upon restart.


After that I flashed the k3100m with another HP vbios, Since then, the laptop opens but black screen both in laptop screen as well as in DP port. I have not tried the VGA cable though since I do not have it. 


Can anybody guide me now

1. to blind flash the original backup HP vbios to the card?

2. a suitable vbios file to flash afterwards to make the new quadro k3100m to wok in my 8770w.


I have attached the backup rom and two vbios rom used in my case.





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