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[Question] Import barebones notebook kit to resell

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Hi, everyone!

Well, first let me apologize if i'm posting this thread in the wrong place... Second, sorry for my very limited and not so good english.


My name is Sinésio and i'm new user.
I'm opening this question for clarify my intentions and solve my doubts. As the title implies, i intend engage me in barebones notebook business. But as i said, i have some doubts.


The first questions is:

  • - Why several models, by Clevo manufacture for exemple, aren't finded to sale?
  • - If possible, where search this models which aren't finded? For exemplo the Clevo N857HK1 model exposed in the official site.
  • - How is possible we know the all best models for sale and resale?


My intention is:

  • - Find some barebones notebook models;
  • - Buy some barebones in smaller scale (initially) with separete parts;
  • - A just price;
  • - Import to my country;
  • - Assemble them with my own brand;
  • - And resell in my country with my own brand;

Like many others brands make.

So, having said this, my next questions:

  • - Which suppliers are recommended to buying over this criteria, or most of all stores (like a Clevo Center, PC Specialist, R&J Tech, and so on) follow this criteria?
  • - How do i all this?
  • - Which articles you recommend ?
  • - How to begin?

I think that's all for now. I greatful all replys, help and the patience with me.

Edited by sinetobrz
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