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Found 5 results

  1. Hi guys. As with the title, is there any way to get a m17x r3 to use UEFI or is this just a pipe dream? I read over the internet that this requires Dell company itself to refactor the BIOS and release it to the public. Well if that's the case many believe it would be easier to land a man on Mars then to get Dell's help on this issue. Does the hardware itself plays a roll in updating to UEFI ? Well if the motherboard itself doesn't support UEFI and its more of a hardware limitation rather than a software, please let me know and I'll let this dream go, once and for all. Well if not, does anyone else knows of any other way to get a m17x r3 to UEFI-capable ? Imagine fast-booting into win10 and more importantly, a chance to get a 980M working in a m17x r3. (from my understanding 880M is as far as the m17x r3 can go as the 980M requires UEFI-capabilities) I know my laptop is approaching 7 years old and by now most m17xr3 are phrased out but i still believe there are some owners out there still kicking about with their madly modded-out r3s (like me). Thanks for the read
  2. Hi all, I posted a topic to share my successful installation one year ago, here is the topic link : And after a perfect use for almost one year (11monthes and few days), from yesterday the egpu is not detected by Setup1.30 anymore. I didn't change anything on the computer side, nor on the egpu adapter. Same cpu, memory etc. Now when I boot, one of the 4 LED on the egpu adapter turn RED and setup1.30 is no more detecting the egpu card. Also the fan of the gtx750ti is staying at a high speed run. I join the picture of the egpu adapter with the LED turned RED. If anyone have an idea of what happen... One more thing, one time of ten time booting, egpu is working fine. But freeze after around 30mn of use. SPEC : ACER iconia-6210 (dual screen laptop, no physical keyboard) CUP core i5 480M RAM 8gb SSD 256 Windows 10 pro 64bit pe4c v3.0 mPCIE connecter Dell D220P AC adapter Asus GTX750ti
  3. Hello all, I recently put together my egpu configuration using the video below down to a T. Every part of my set up is in this video and I've done exactly like this guy has said to make my set up. I've gotten my egpu to work finally by plugging in the thunderbolt2 cord when both the MacBook and egpu are powered down. Then I power on my back into the selection screen to choose windows or mac. Then I turn on my egpu and hope for the best. I've found this works about 30-40% of the time so if someone has a way to increase my chances feel free to comment. I'm using a MacbookPro 13in Retina with dual core processor and Intel Iris 6100 (Late 2015 MacBookPro 13in retina). Anyways once I am booted into windows (I'm using windows to use the egpu on the internal screen because this was meant as more of a mobile device) and I've checked the device manager to make sure the gtx960 is working properly (sometimes I get "no drivers are installed for this device and I have to reboot and try again) I try and run a game. I use WoW as a test for my graphics card. I have msi afterburner installed and I play WoW off an external HDD since I have the 128gb version of the MacBook pro. When the graphics card is working and I'm playing a game for a while the game will suddenly crash and I'll get the BSOD with the error NVLDDMKM.SYS. Does anyone know how to fix this error? Other than that the fan boots up when at 60degrees Celsius like it should. I'm using windows 10 with the driver 369.90 for nvida which is the most recent so if anyone has a fix for this error it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  4. THANKS TO ENCOURAGING GUIDES ON THIS SITE, I HAVE MANAGED TO GET MY EGPU SETUP WORKING Macbook Pro Retina 15” Mid 2015 AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB 2.8 GHz i7, 16GB RAM Windows 10 64bit ( bootcamp ) OSX Sierra Enclosure: AKiTiO Thunder2 Graphics card: EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB GDDR5 Memory PCI Express 3 Graphics Card Power supply: EVGA 100-W1-0500-KR - 500W 80 Plus Power Supply (100-W1-0500-KR) Connections: Molex to barrel adapter to connect PSU to GPU and enclosure GPU powered by the PSU directly HDMI cable to connect GPU to monitor Thunderbolt cable to connect Thunder2 to Macbook PSU powered on using the 'paper clip technique' Monitor: Dell U2715H 27-Inch Widescreen IPS LED Monitor Info and guides: https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/7947-the-basic-egpu-hardware-guide-for-macs/#comment-118751 Process: Power on and connect the GPU, check that the Nvidia is showing up in the device manager Install Nvidia drivers Disable discrete AMD GPU in the device manager and shut down Boot back up into Windows10 and BOOM, Windows10 should now be using the GPU. Results: I can reliably get the eGPU to work every time and have experienced NO CRASHES! I still play games using the AMD when I'm not at my desk, which just requires re-enabling the AMD. Sometimes switching the AMD on and off can cause the device manager to hang, but restarting Windows 10 sorts this out so I've not had any problems using the system both ways. Games Performance: Doom - 1440p max settings - 60pfs ( WOW!!! ) Deus Ex Mankind Divided - 1440p max settings - 30-45 fps Just Cause 3 - 1440p max settings - 30-45 fps Star Wars Battlefront - 1440p max settings - 30-45 fps Overwatch - 1440p max settings - 60fps Getting Windows10 to select the eGPU as the primary display device: As far as I can tell, all that is required to get the GPU to power the external display is to disable the discrete graphics chip (AMD R9 M370X) via the device manager in Windows10. In my experience, provided the eGPU is connected, disabling the AMD R9 will automatically cause the OS to switch to the eGPU. Although a couple of times when I've done this without restarting, the AMD has switched itself back on! Provided the eGPU is connected and powered on, and the AMD is disabled, booting into Windows 10 will automatically select the eGPU and you're away!
  5. Hi All, I want to get my eGPU working with my bootcamp partition like it did a few weeks ago but since I re-installed my Mini I don't get it working anymore. Setup: Late 2014 Mac Mini I7 16gig Intel Iris GPU Akitio Thunder 2 with power mod PCI power supply Asus GTX960 GPU OSX El Capitan (working perfectly with the GTX960) Bootcamp Win 10 Pro (Crashing almost every time at startup when Thunderbolt is connected) NEC display with HDMI - DVI cable History: About a month ago I installed win10 for the first time to be able to play some games. Because the GPU performance was a bit poor I bought the Akitio with a Asus GTX960. The installation was no problem and it was running great on win 10. After a while I wanted it to use on OSX also but that didn't work. While trying to get it running I had to change my display DVI plug a lot from the Akitio and the DVI - Thunderbolt adapter. I don't know what happened but at some point my Thunderbolt ports stopped working. I tried every reset method but the ports did not respond anymore. So I brought it to Apple and they repaired it by resetting the Nvram. I thought that was odd because I had done that a few times already. When I tried it at home with my DVI - thunderbolt adapter it still didn't work... But I found a HDMI - DVI cable and with that cable I got my display working without the adapter.At that point the windows 10 partition was already crashing when I plugged the Akitio in so I decided to completely re-install the Mini.The rest is history. The OSX installation works perfectly now with the Akitio and the GTX960 but Windows 10 is crashing all the time at startup when the Akitio is plugged in and powered. When it crashes I do not get a error, its just rebooting and trying to repair itself. Sometimes I get it starting with the Akitio plugged in but I never get to working with my display...Any idea? Can it be something they did at Apple? My DVI - thunderbolt adapter is still not working after all... What I have tried: At this moment I re-installed Bootcamp and Windows 3 times and tried 4 different drivers. 2 from Asus and 2 from Nvidia. (oldest and newest) In between I used the Guru uninstaller to clean the old drivers. I have tried the startup trick (waiting with powering the eGPU until the bootscreen) I did the power mod on the Akitio. Help!
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