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  1. I've been testing different speeds on my core clock and memory clock, and I seem to have found my card's breaking point. My GPU's voltage maxes out at 1.100, but I can keep my temps under 60 degrees Celsius. I know that if I can volt it a little more, I can get a bit of performance without having my chip melt. My voltage is locked, but I know that a modded VBIOS would solve that problem. The only problem is, I can't find any database or list or site containing any. Does anybody have a go-to site that hey trust to help me out? Thanks in advance . Specs: CPU - i7 - 3630QM 2.4Ghz-3.2Ghz Turbo; GPU: Geforce GTX 660m; RAM: 8GB GDDR5; Main Drive: 64GB SSD; Slave Drive: 750GB HDD; Notebook Model: G75V; OS: Windows 8
  2. Solved, see the "edit" for details. So... I just had the glorious idea to mod a very old beta vbios of an 6970m ES and try it on my card... but now there's one big problem, my system won't POST anymore. The SCROLL an d CAPS leds are blinking, which means the GPU is preventing the system from POST. ... and since it doesn't POST I can't even blind flash the card. So, my guess is, the card is still ok, but the vbios fails completely. (I don't think the card is dead...) Anyway, the only way I can think of to solve this, is putting the card in a system with 2 GPUs (e.g. M18x). Do you think such a system would boot with this card and allow it to be flashed? __________________________ EDIT: Successfully reprogrammed the serial flash memory chip which stores the VBIOS, more details about the whole procedure can be found here: Recovering a notebook GPU from a bad VBIOS flash | Tech|Inferno __________________________
  3. Dell has released a new vbios revision for the 580m http://support.dell.com/support/download...eid=478843 *ISO image of GTX580 A01 Vbios 70.24.2B.00.06* *The flash utility will ask for user input to override PCI Subsystem ID. This is normal. Press y whenever prompted to complete the Vbios flash.* *ISO image of production GTX560M Vbios. Burn image to CD and reboot system. Press F12 to choose CD/DVD drive. When promoted, press Y.* OLD vbios version version 70.24.2B.00.04 had 3 entries core:50.5MHz shader:101MHz(bumped shader:270MHz) memory:67.5MHz --------------- core:73.5MHz shader:147MHz(bumped shader:270MHz) memory:162MHz --------------- core:620MHz shader:1240MHz(bumped shader:1289MHz) memory:750MHz New vbios version 70.24.2B.00.06, has 4 entries: new entry is marked in bold core:50.5MHz shader:101MHz(bumped shader:270MHz) memory:67.5MHz --------------- core:73.5MHz shader:147MHz(bumped shader:270MHz) memory:162MHz --------------- core:475MHz shader:950MHz(bumped shader:950MHz) memory:750MHz --------------- core:620MHz shader:1240MHz(bumped shader:1289MHz) memory:750MHz. Thanks to Saltius from notebookreview and Barcode for posting this at Bios-Mods! Barcode is trying to see if this vbios can be manipulated here: DELL M18X A03 BIOS THROTTLE REMOVAL GTX580M SLI
  4. Help HP HDX 18t 1200-CTO w/ Nvidia GT130M and Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000 the issue is i have two identical comps like that i work on one my brothers and the other my mothers... my moms keeps temps in check and even undervolted q9000 to 1.05v from 1.25~ did the same on my brothers... the prob is these comps have one fan and one copper pipe going over the cpu and gpu causing havok when cpu or gpu heats up. Now my moms handles good it was previously mine and i kept it clean... 3 years oldish on stock paste. My brothers constant overheat probs i even repasted his on gpu and cpu.... so i need help as i have no experience on nvidia vbios flashing and editing downloaded nhibitor and nvflash and went to backup file in windows and it wont recognize eeprom as it says. help i can create a bootable usb drive have one from flashing ATi cards.... onece i have bios backup i can reflash with a little less volts hopefully running much cooler. Any links on directions on backing up bios and flashing outside of windows on nvidia hardware... i dont think its MXM is that a prob? my moms i'm even able to run a small overclock of 680-550-1700... core,mem,shader... stock is 600-500-1500 and dont get high temps even on Skyrim yes couldn't belive with graphics lowered enough this plays decent on here.
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