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Found 3 results

  1. I would like to get a Blu Ray player eventually and I'm wondering how the PS4 and Xbox One compare as a Blu Ray player to a similarly priced dedicated Blu Ray Player. I understand that you're paying for more than just a Blu Ray player when you get a PS4 or Xbox One but how do the game consoles compare to a similarly priced Blu Ray Player? I would bet that a Blu Ray player that costs more than a PS4 or Xbox One plays Blu Ray much better but how would a Blu Ray player that costs $300-$450 compare against the game console that plays Blu Ray discs? Thank you.
  2. Blizzard's new Overwatch game was a risky move for a company that has never created a team shooter before but if we go by the amount of people that played it and the time spent in the game, it is easy to see the game is on the fast path to success. Blizzard issued a press release stating that Overwatch is Blizzard's biggest open beta ever with 9.7 million global players spread across the PC, Xbox One and PS4. Players logged in over 4.9 billion minutes (over 81 million hours) across more than 37 million matches in the game. According to Blizzpro, if you're looking to compare Overwatch to other recent betas as a measure of success, The Division beta had 6.4 million players, Destiny had 4.6 million while Star Wars Battlefront beta had 9 million players. In addition, to make it crystal clear that Blizzard is taking Overwatch very seriously, they also released a statement today letting the community know that they intend to crack down on cheaters in the game by banning them for life and will provide years of support for Overwatch - this should be of great comfort to many players that were concerned if certain pro players were cheating and whether Blizzard would say or do anything about it. Click the spoiler below for Blizzard's full press release: View full article
  3. PlayStation AIO Box Hey all Some weeks ago I ordered a CronusMAX USB-stick to be able to play my console games with keyboard and mouse, the stick has far more capabilities. Some days ago it arrived and I did some initial testing, I'll write a review in the next weeks, while testing I got pretty annoyed by all the cable chaos the setup come with. The main reason is because you need to run the software on a Windows or MacOSX OS respectively you need a PC running at the same time to be able to play with keyboard and mouse. So I came up with the idea to build a box with all needed components packed into it. The goal would be to that one has to connect the power (maybe internet connection too) and will be immediately ready to game. I started to design some first basic models of a box. I found some cool PlayStation CAD models on GrabCAD, this saved a lot of time and helps to get a better idea on how it will finally look. Meanwhile the version number has reached the 5th level and it looks like this: Box materials: Acrylicglass or wood Components: PlayStation 4 and accessoires PlayStation 3 and accessoires Zotac ZBOX/Intel Nuc/other nano PC AOC i2269VWM monitor 1x120mm + 2x60mm fan 1xRJ45 Splitter (1 Female to 3 Female) 2xHDMI Splitter (Male to 2xFemale) 2xHDMI (Male to Female) 2xHDMI Cable 1xDP Cable 1xUSB2.0 Y-Cable The project is still in development and for now it's just a study. But I'm pretty determined to build this PlayStation AIO Box. Tell me what you think about this project and feel free to give any advice on doing something differently.
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