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Found 5 results

  1. Here are the M14x BIOS revisions A07 and A08 with all the menus unlocked, just as previously with A05. This has not been tested so far, as I don't own an M14x, if you want to test it flash it with the tool in the attached archive and please report back! Thanks in advance! After flashing I highly recommend to go to the BIOS menu and load the default settings! *************** If you like these BIOS releases, please consider a donation to Tech|Inferno. *************** As always with such mods... you're responsible for your machine and what you do with it. Edit: A08 confirmed to work, A07 as well. Thanks a lot for testing @alroar ! M14x [unlocked] BIOS A07.zip M14x [unlocked] BIOS A08.zip
  2. Hi guys, Look, I do love my Alienware M14x indeed, but I can't stop thinking of eventually replacing it by another brand (which one?)... All due to recurrent problems with its webcam/microphone. A couple of months ago my webcam simply vanished from Windows device manager and (long story short) Dell had to replace the MB! Yesterday another chapter: again the webcam (and the microphone) vanished from device manager. It was not a problem with Windows drivers because even on Linux they didn't work (I have dual boot). This time, after hours on the phone with Dell technical support, we managed to get them working again by updating the BIOS to version A08 (why?!) - it was v.A05. Not sure why this happened though. I didn't change anything on my Windows/Linux/hardware. Please, did anyone have the same kind of problems? Thanks!!
  3. Dell quietly released two new BIOS versions for the M14x, A07 and A08. Changes for A07 are: Link for A07 And for A08 it says: Link for A08 I'm not sure what the change of the SATA speed limit really means, maybe you can now get full SATA2 speed through the ODD, that would be great in case you use a caddy for a second hard drive. A08 seems to be simply a VBIOS update for the 555m. As always recently, Dell is pretty mean when it comes to information about the changes in the new BIOS revisions, these two points mentioned above are definitely important and I recommend to apply the update, but I also guess that there are some additional fixes and enhancements which aren't mentioned. I'm gonna take a look at both BIOS and see what I can do regarding the volt mod etc. Edit: Seems like A08 isn't up yet, it say file not found when I try to download it. Edit 2: There's absolutely no difference between the VBIOS in A08 and the VBIOS in the older versions... seems Dell messed up.
  4. Hey guys, camiloml at bios-mods.com has done some work on BIOS A05, should show now the hidden menus just like A03. Hope someone of you can test this and leave some feedback and if possible some pics of the menus as well. The BIOS can be found in the link above, just click on the second "here" in the signature of camiloml. I still can't test it for my self... would be a difficult task without a M14x Once it is confirmed to work I'll repack it with the modded VBIOS so you can keep on overclocking your machines. ___________________________________________________________________ EDIT: Confirmed to work by @Ninjahunter and @Nekojin, big thanks to both of them!!! And don't forget the modder of this BIOS, camiloml from bios-mods!!! Please leave some feedback on the bios-mods site as well, I'm sure he'd be very glad to hear that his work gets appreciated!! Here's a whole collection of pictures from all the menus, a special thanks to Nekojin for all his work, I highly appreciate this!!!
  5. Here is the m14x support download page. Choose bios and download. Drivers & Downloads
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