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Found 5 results

  1. UPDATE: ALL DOWNLOADS LISTED IN THIS POST FOUND HERE. Nvidia 'Kepler' GPUs - modified VBIOS files >>> NOTE: More versions (including voltage mods) exclusive for T|I users can be found in the second post. <<< The 'Kepler' GPUs from Nvidia perform really well, even at increased clocks speeds they stay quite cool - a perfect behavior when it comes to overclocking and improving the performance. Unfortunately the mobile GPUs suffer from an artificial +135MHz core overclocking limit, so you can't go higher by using tools like Nvidia Inspector and similar. The modified VBIOS files listed here have this limit unlocked, some have increased stock clocks or tweaked voltages. Just refer to the description. All files have been modified by myself, if you like them feel free to buy me a drink, donation link can be found below GTX 660m: 660m_OC_edition__VBIOS_[DELL].zip- comes with unlocked software overclocking limits 660m_GHz-Edition_overvolted_VBIOS_[DELL].zip - default 3d clock 1000MHz, base boost 1200MHz,, memory (3d) 1350MHz, increased 3d voltage undervolted editions possible, depends on interest, tba Some screenshots: GTX 680m: Clevo_680m_-_80.'OCedition'_revised_01.zip Dell_680m_-_80.'OCedition'_revised_00.zip Increased software overclocking limits & optimized for no throttling. Read the included 'Read me' file before flashing. Instructions: I recommend flashing under DOS using nvflash . Donation link in case you want to buy me a beer Thanks and cheers! More to come. Testers: Thanks @eliteone (Dell 660m), @littleone562 (Dell 680m) For all mods: Use at your own risk.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this download: Asus 770m (G750JX) - 'OC edition' rev02.zip Clevo 670mx - 3GB - - 'OC edition'_rev02.zip Clevo 675mx (4GB) -'OCedition'_rev00.zip Clevo 680m - 'OCedition' revised_01.zip Clevo 680m - 'OCedition' revised_01.zip Clevo 680m -'OCedition'_revised_01 - OV 1000v.zip Clevo 680m -'OCedition'_revised_01 - OV 1025v.zip Clevo 680m -'OCedition'_revised_01 - OV 1050v.zip Clevo 680m - 'OCedition' revised_01.zip Dell 680m - 80.04.5B.00.02_'OCedition'_revised_00.zip Dell 680m -'OCedition'_revised_00 - OV 1000v.zip Dell 680m -'OCedition'_revised_00 - OV 1025v.zip Dell 680m -'OCedition'_revised_00 - OV 1050v.zip Dell 680m -'OCedition'_revised_00.zip Dell 765m - - 'OC edition' (AW 17) - v00.zip Dell 765m - 'OC edition' (AW 14).zip Dell K4000m -'OC edition'.zip Dell K5000m - 'OCedition' rev00.zip HP K3000m - - 'OC edition'.zip MSI 670mx (1.5GB) - 80.04.5B.00.A5 'OCedition' rev00.zip MSI 675mx (2GB) -'OCedition'_rev00.zip MSI 675mx (4GB) -'OCedition'_rev00.zip MSI 680m -'OCedition'_revised_02 - OV 1000v.zip MSI 680m -'OCedition'_revised_02 - OV 1025v.zip MSI 680m -'OCedition'_revised_02 - OV 1050v.zip MSI 680m -'OCedition'_revised_02.zip MSI 770m - 'OC edition' - rev02.zip Nvidia 770m - 'OC edition' - rev02.zip Nvidia GTX 780m - 'OC edition' - rev02.zip Nvidia GTX 860m (Kepler) - 'OC edition' - rev00.zip Nvidia GTX 870m - 'OC edition' - rev00.zip Nvidia GTX 880m - 'OC edition' - rev00.zip Nvidia K3000m - 80.04.3A.00.07_'OCedition'_rev00.zip Instructions on how to use these files:
  3. I'm aware that this problem has come up before and is likely solved, but I am new to the forums so i need to post to have full access to these resources, so i figured i may as well start a new thread. Related posts: http://www.ebay.com/itm/222124374139?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT - Item I purchased https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/6308-msi-gt70-no-post-black-screen-after-video-card-upgrade-from-675m-to-680m/ - People already discussing this very same issue https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/1425-nvidia-kepler-vbios-mods-overclocking-editions-modified-clocks-voltage-tweaks/ - all available Keplar VBIOS I'd still like to start fresh though. The computer I plan on putting this into is a MS-1762 Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit i7-3630QM Quad-Core 2.4ghz 8GB DDR3 @ 1600mhz Chipset: HM77 / Intel Ivy Bridge My goal in this thread is to be prepared for when the card arrives. I have never flashed a VBIOS before so I will take all the help and advise I can get.
  4. Special thanks: To Eurocom for providing a discounted price to Tech|Inferno. REVIEW IS OUT: nVidia GTX 680M Performance Review | Tech|Inferno We've managed to snag a 680M from Eurocom and will be testing it in an AW M18x-R1 with 2920xm. The video card will hopefully be here this coming week or two. Eventually we'll purchase another for a full SLi review but for now, we'll be doing a 580M SLi vs 680M (single) comparison. Since the Kepler GPU has a huge gaming advantage over the 580M chip, it should be a pretty interesting match-up and something to think about for M18x-R1 users that are looking to upgrade. So what we need from you, the community is feedback on which games and applications you'd like to see tested (sorry svl7, no furmark ). Here is sample of my current games 1. BF3 2. Crysis 2 3. Mafia II 4. Mass Effect 2/3 5. Skyrim 6. Max Payne 3 7. LA Noire 8. Saints Row 3 9. Just Cause 2 10. COD: MW3 11. Darkness II 12. Serious Sam 3 13. Batman Arkham Asylum & City Application list 1. 3DMark Vantage 2. 3DMark 11 3. Sony Vegas GPU render test 4. Unigine Heaven DX11 Not all the games listed above will be tested due to time constraints. Please pick your favorite app/game and reply to this thread. Thanks. Alright poll is closed, the winners are: 1. BF3 2. Skyrim 3. Crysis 2 4. Batman Arkham City 5. Metro2033 (not in the poll but will be tested). In addition I'll be testing the obligatory synthetics such as Vantage + 3DMark 11. If I have time I'll do a cuda render test but that's not important right now. Oh and a few teaser pics for you guys below.
  5. So after reading endless discussions on another forum with respect to the 7970M and 680M and which is truly the better buy, I wrote the following response: This has been on my mind for quite sometime and once we rev up T|I reviews again in the future (we will likely have to hire full-time writers since admins are too busy), I plan to implement a scoring system similar to what I described above. I'd like to hear what our members think of my proposal as well as your own suggestions.
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